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Optickle simulations

by Gabriele Vajente last modified 2008-06-25 12:05

Optickle is another frequency domain simulation tool, developed using Matlab, which also takes into account radiation pressure effects. It might therefore be important to use it to compute AdVirgo optical matricies.

Three Advanced Virgo optickle input file has been set up, corresponding to the three configuration explained in Possible lentghs and modulation frequencies for Advanced Virgo. The results of various degree of freedom scans has been compared to what obtained with Finesse. The results match pretty well.

The simulation now includes also all pick-off ports: beam splitter (POBS) and input mirrors (POX and POY).

Here are some links to input files and results:

Small Schnupp, SB2 resonant in both PRC and SRC

Small Schnupp, SB2 resonant only in SRC

Large Schnupp:

In the next steps we will compute optical transfer function with both Finesse an Optickle (with low power) to further compare the two simulations.

G.Vajente, E.Campagna