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Definition of longitudinal degrees of freedom

by Gabriele Vajente last modified 2008-06-26 10:23
Definition of lengths
The picture defines the names of all relevant lengths in a dual recycled interferometer. The physical degrees of freedom are defined as follows:
  • DARM = L_X - L_Y
  • CARM = (L_X + L_Y) / 2
  • MICH = l_X - l_Y
  • PRCL = l_P + (l_X + l_Y) / 2
  • SRCL = l_S + (l_X + l_Y) / 2

Mirror motions are defined to be orthogonal to the mirror surface, positive in a direction selected by Finesse convention:
  • PRM motion is negative in BS direction
  • SRM motion is positive in BS direction
  • BS motion is positive in PRM direction
  • EMX and EMY motions are positive when cavities get shorter
Optickle convention is the same except for the reversed sign of PRM and possibly a global sign change.

The simplest extension of Virgo driving to AdVirgo consists in controlling MICH / PRCL / SRCL using PRM / SRM / BS. The following relations between mirror motions and lengths hold:
  • delta_l_P = dz_PRM - sqrt(2) dz_BS
  • delta_l_X = sqrt(2) dz_BS
  • delta_l_Y = 0
  • delta_l_S = - dz_SRM

Simple inversions give the relations between degrees of freedom and mirror displacements:
  • dz_EMX = - DARM / 2 - CARM
  • dz_EMY = + DARM / 2 - CARM
  • dz_BS = 1 / sqrt(2) MICH
  • dz_PRM = PRCL + 1/2 MICH
  • dz_SRM = - SRCL + 1/2 MICH

The following table summarized the signal amplitudes to be applied to all mirrors to produce one degree of freedom motion:

EMY0.5 -1   
BS   1/sqrt(2)   
PRM    1/21 
SRM    1/2 -1 
These are the correct amplitudes and signs to be used in Finesse simulations. Note that Finesse static tuning are in degrees (360 degrees = 1 lambda) while transfer functions are given in W/rad (2 pi radians = 1 lambda).