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Optical matrix with Optickle (no radiation pressure)

by Gabriele Vajente last modified 2008-07-01 11:36

Short Schnupp asymmetry - SB2 resonant in both PRC and SRC

The optical transfer functions have been simulated with Optickle. To avoid radiation pressure effects (useful for comparison with Finesse) the input power has been set ot 1mW and all the results have been rescaled by 100/1e-3 to match the Finesse output.

Here are some of the input files used:

  • adVirgo1-LP.m: definition of all interferometer parameters, output ports and detectors;
  • run_matrix1_lp.m: file used to execute the simulation and save results in "Optickle" format;
  • extract_TF1_lp.m: used to extract transfer functions in physical DOF basis and save it;
  • tune_phases1_lp.m: compute the optimal demodulation phase and rotate accordingly all signals;
  • save_text1_lp.m: save the optical transfer function with optimized phases in a format compatible with the output from Finesse;

The resulting transfer function are summarized in a single pdf file, to be compared with the similar one obtained with Finesse.

The results agree quite well:
  • signals in Q phase are slightly different: this is due to the fact that the demodulation phase tuning is slightly more accurate in Optickle than in finesse.
  • CARM, MICH, PRCL and SRCL transfer functions to ASY signals are slightly lower in amplitude. This seems only a global scaling factor, smaller than a factor 2. This is not yet understood.