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MSC presentations and docs

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This directory contains an updated list of the documents presented or written within the Virgo context starting from September 2006. - The prefix "COMM" stands for 'presented at a Virgo Collaboration Meeting', usually in the commissioning session. - The prefix "W" stads for 'weekly meeting'. - The prefix "BRI" stabs for 'briefing'. Presentations' prefixes are followed by the initials of the speaker. - The prefix "2STAC" stands for 'prepared for the STAC': it is usually a document passed to the commissioning coordinator who integrates it into a major document. - Other talks have an explicit title. - Given the very friendly and suitable design of this wiki, I added, as last, a list (MSC_Virgo_list.doc) that helps to deduce the main topics treated in each document.
BRIEM_20-9-06 by Ettore Majorana — last modified 2007-09-11 15:00
COMMEM_02-10-06 by Ettore Majorana — last modified 2007-09-11 15:01
COMMEM_06-11-06 by Ettore Majorana — last modified 2007-09-11 15:03
2STAC_12-06 by Ettore Majorana — last modified 2007-09-11 15:04
WEM_14-11-06 by Ettore Majorana — last modified 2007-09-11 15:05
WEM_22-11-06 by Ettore Majorana — last modified 2007-09-11 15:05
WEM_28-11-06 by Ettore Majorana — last modified 2007-09-11 15:06
COMMEM_04-12-06 by Ettore Majorana — last modified 2007-09-11 15:07
BRIEM_11-12-06 by Ettore Majorana — last modified 2007-09-11 15:08
WEM_09-01-07 by Ettore Majorana — last modified 2007-09-11 16:15
COMMEM_05-02-07 by Ettore Majorana — last modified 2007-09-11 16:16
WDH_20-03-07 by Ettore Majorana — last modified 2007-09-11 16:17
COMMEM_02-04-07 by Ettore Majorana — last modified 2007-09-11 16:20
WEM_24-04-07 by Ettore Majorana — last modified 2007-09-11 16:22
COMMEM_25-05-07 by Ettore Majorana — last modified 2007-09-11 16:28
2STAC_06-07 by Ettore Majorana — last modified 2007-09-11 16:30
2STAC_06-07 (short) by Ettore Majorana — last modified 2007-09-11 16:31
WEM_05-06-07 by Ettore Majorana — last modified 2007-09-11 16:32
WPR_20-06-07 by Ettore Majorana — last modified 2007-09-11 16:33
COMMEM_25-06-07 by Ettore Majorana — last modified 2007-09-11 16:34
WEM_08-08-07 by Ettore Majorana — last modified 2007-09-11 16:34
BRIEM_28-08-07 by Ettore Majorana — last modified 2007-09-11 16:36
COMMEM_10-09-07 by Ettore Majorana — last modified 2007-09-11 16:37
WEM_25-09-07 by Ettore Majorana — last modified 2007-09-26 08:24
ruggi_18-10-07 by Ettore Majorana — last modified 2007-10-18 10:04
Ettore_Majorana_MSCshort by Ettore Majorana — last modified 2007-10-25 06:37
COMMEM_26-11-07 by Ettore Majorana — last modified 2007-12-13 13:30
WEM_10-12-07.ppt by Ettore Majorana — last modified 2007-12-13 13:33
MSC_Virgo_list.doc by Ettore Majorana — last modified 2007-12-13 13:34