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Minutes of the April 12th call

by Pia Astone last modified 2013-04-18 15:22

present: J-Y, Pia, Alberto, Loic, Didier, Elena, Cristiano, Sabrina, Stefano, Livio, Andrzej, Giuseppe.

Update on CW given by Cristiano, who presents the slides prepared by Andrzej.

It has been decided to write only 1 paper with Vela, Crab and other less interesting pulsars.

Pia: in DAC calls and JRPC we are discussing on the next ER4 . There are still  open issues.

If you read the minutes of last DAC calls, you will have details. And today there is a chairs only DAC call to which all the chairs (also of the support groups) have been invited.

Update sent by e-mail form Nicolas:

``Concerning ER4 our plan is :
- to use similar data set than the one we used for ER3
- we may need to improve a little bit the way to monitor the online data
- pipelines which ran during ER3 will also run here
- the are plan for offline data transfer tests

Presently LIGO and search groups propose to mainly focus ER4 on detchar
if we can have interesting configuration for the LIGO interferometer

We would need to insure that search group really think on detchat
activities for the run in regards to their own fields"

Didier; still not clear the work which will be done in the DA groups regarding Detchar during ER4.

CM (Pia) document sent to ECC and uploaded on TDS and in these wiki pages. The meeting will be next week

Loic: I would discuss on the DT between LIGO and Virgo. We were discussing to copy the data directly to CCs, but I have some concerning on this now. Sent an e-mail to you and Alberto

Pia: yes, I had no time to answer for this ECC deadline. Why not to have a discussion next week ?

Loic: yes, or we can do during the next Virgo week.

Pia: let's schedule a DAC call for next week and introduce the problem to the collaboration.