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WSR12 MBTA results

by Frederique Marion last modified 2009-04-07 15:43

This page summarizes the main results obtained by online MBTA during WSR12.

MBTA ran online during WSR11, over a mass range from 1 to 3 solar masses. The initial frequency of the search was 80 Hz. The main results are summarized in the following figures. 

The time evolution of the triggers SNR and of the trigger rate is shown here:

WSR12 MBTA SNR and trigger rate vs time

The SNR and chi2 vs SNR distributions are shown here:

WSR12 MBTA SNR distribution

The spectrum of the MBTA triggers SNR fluctuations over the full run, which shows the characteristic frequencies of the non-stationarities impacting the inspiral search, is show here:

WSR12 MBTA SNR spectrum

The list of triggers with SNR greater than 10 is given in this table:

GPS SNR QScan Comment
920451672.567 25.5 here Looks like a "WI glitch" from the step in h(t)
920558670.465 20.1 here Looks like a "WI glitch" from the step in h(t)
920571276.638 13.8 here Looks like a "WI glitch" from the step in h(t)
920514306.896 11.7 here Some faint noise in Em_SEBDMC03
920468677.602 11.1 here Seismic noise in WE building
920578752.011 10.5 here Seismic noise in central building