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C7 projects papers

by Marie Anne Bizouard last modified 2008-06-02 08:18
  • "First joint search of GW waves by the AURIGA-EXPLORER-NAUTILUS-VIRGO collaboration"
    XXX 2007: draft X

  • "Search for gravitational waves associated with GRB 050915a using the Virgo detector".
     24 July 2007: draft 1,
     03 Oct 2007: draft 2
  • "Gravitational wave burst search in the Virgo C7 data".
     01 Oct 2007: draft 1
     11 Oct 2007: Comments from burst group members + answers
     16 Oct 2007: draft 2
     14 Jan 2008: draft 3
     01 Jun 2008: draft 4