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International Commissioning Workshops

by Bas Swinkels last modified 2014-11-04 14:43

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Past workshops

As a precursor to the current commissioning workshops, a series of 16 meetings were held from 2004-2008 in the context of the ILIAS-GW project, which was funded by the European Union. The participants consisted mainly of commissioning people from GEO and Virgo. Presentation and minutes of those meetings are still available here.

Commissioning workshops of the modern era:
  1. General commissioning @ Virgo, July 2012. Report in DCC
  2. Thermal distortions, OMC and Simulations @ LLO, January 2013. Report in DCC
  3. Scattered light @ GEO, June 2013. Report in DCC
  4. Advanced controls @ CalTech, February 2014. Report in DCC. Presentations in DCC.
  5. Suspensions @ Virgo, October 2014. Report in preparation. Presentations in DCC

Next workshop

  • TBD, maybe at LHO somewhere in spring 2015?