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Commissioning workshop: Suspensions@Virgo

by Bas Swinkels last modified 2014-11-04 14:16


European Gravitational Observatory (site of the Virgo interferometer), Cascina (route description)

Presentations will be held in the seminar room here.


All talks are available from the event page in the DCC here.

Monday 13 October (seminar room)


  • Introduction (Swinkels)
  • Overview of Virgo super-attenuators (Boschi)
  • Overview of Virgo payload, local control, hierarchical control (Majorana)
  • Overview of LIGO HEPI/ISI/SUS and hierarchical control (Kissel)

13:00-14:00 lunch


  • Overview of KAGRA suspensions(Sekiguchi)
  • Overview of Nikhef-type minitowers/EIB (Van Heijningen)
  • Overview of Hanover 10m suspensions (Mow-Lowry)

Tilt compensation

  • Inertial damping, tilt control (Ruggi)
  • Tilt sensing with gyroscopes, advanced control techniques (Boschi)

Tuesday (seminar room)

9:00 - 13:00

  • New tilt meter at LHO (similar to LIGO-G1400848) (Kissel)

global control tricks

  • Hanover suspension platform interferometer (Köhlenbeck)
  • Global vs local damping (similar to LIGO-G1200774) (Shapiro)

sensing/damping of excited modes

  • discussion about payload damping: with top stage (LIGO) vs with mirror actuators (Virgo)
  • violin mode monitor (Sorazu)
  • active violin mode damping at LIGO
  • mirror/violin mode studies at Virgo (Swinkels)

13:00-14:00 lunch


  • site visit (Swinkels/...)


  • charging issues (Sorazu)
  • thermal issues (Hammond)

mechanical modeling

  • Octopus (Ruggi)
  • SimMechanics (Boschi)
  • Mathematica (Sekiguchi)

Wednesday + Thursday

  • work in groups
  • present quick status update

Friday (morning only)

  • present final results of group work
  • discuss workshop report, future workshops


  • Takanori Sekiguchi (KAGRA)
  • Brett Shapiro (Stanford)
  • Jeff Kissel (LHO)
  • Arnaud Pele (LLO)
  • Sebastien Biscans (MIT)
  • Bas Swinkels (EGO)
  • Maddalena Mantovani (EGO)
  • Paolo Ruggi (EGO)
  • Joris van Heijningen (Nikhef)
  • Giles Hammond (Glasgow)
  • Borja Sorazu (Glasgow)
  • Valerio Boschi (Pisa)
  • Loic Rolland (LAPP)
  • Gabriele Vajente (CalTech)
  • Flavio Travasso (Perugia)
  • James Lough (GEO)
  • Alessio Rocchi (Roma Tor Vergata)
  • Ettore Majorana (Roma Sapienza)
  • Sina Köhlenbeck (Hannover)
  • Conor Mow-Lowry (Hannover)