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2007-April-2-4 th

by Thomas S. Bauer last modified 2009-09-02 14:24

Cascina - April 2nd - 4th

Monday (April 2nd):

14:30 Commissioning (E. Tournefier) Seminar room (2h30)

  • Automatic alignment status and plans : H. Heitman (20+10)
  • MSC status and plans: E. Majorana (20+10)
  • Locking status and plans: F. Cavalier (20+10)
  • Control noises: G. Vajente (20+10)
  • Calibration update and automation: L. Rolland (15+5)
  • Environmental sensors: R. De Rosa (10+5)

17:30 parallel meetings: E&S -- Noise -- Data Transfer -- FP7

17:30 Noise ( C. Fidecaro) Seminar room (TBC) (parallel with E&S)

  • 1. Acoustic and tapping tests (Irene Fiori, F. Paoletti) 20'
  • 2. HACR results (Gabriele Vajente) 20'
  • 3. Nonstationarity measurements TBC
  • 4. Monitoring Virgo noise progress TBC

17:30 E&S (F. Carbognani) Council room (TBC) (parallel with Noise)

  • E&S planning for the Long Science Run

17:00 - 20:00 FP7 - M. Punturo (Council room)

Tuesday (April 3rd):

09:00 - 10:30 parallel: Data Analysis F2F  ---  Locking

  • Organization of the work to prepare small scall data exchange
  • Organisation of the work for the joint data analysis
  • Locking (Fabien Cavalier) (Council Room)
  •   alpha(f) (Bas)
  •   new SSFS (Francois)
  • Activities before run (discussion)
    • Organization for the restart
    • SSFS improvements
    • alpha(f) ?
    • beta ?
    • new Gc
  • Run preparation (discussion)
    • procedures
    • on call organization
  • After run commissioning (discussion)
    • how to reduce the control noises ? (Gabriele)
  • Virgo + (discussion)
    • simulations to be done
    • task sharing

10:30 Virgo+ 1st Review  (M. Punturo) Seminar Room (until 19:30)
         Note :   times include discussion 
(typically 10 min)                     
  •     10:30 - 10:40     Introduction (M. Punturo)
  •     10:40 - 11:10     Mirrors for the FP cavities (R. Flaminio)
  •     11:10 - 11:40     Monolithic Suspensions (H. Vocca)
  •     11:40 - 11:55     Mirror Cleanliness upgrade (P. Puppo)
  •     11:55 - 12:15     Infrastructure upgrade (p. Popolizio)
  •     12:15 - 12:55     Laser improvements (P. La Penna et al.) + FI remote tuning in SIB
        13:00 Sandwiches

  •     14:30 - 14:50     Pre-MC (F. Cleva)
  •     14:50 - 15:20     Thermal compensation (A. Rocchi)
  •     15:20 - 15:40     Accoustic isolationof the end benches (F. Richard)
  •     15:40 - 16:10     New LA electronics , Anderson et al. (H. Heitmann)
  •     16:10 - 16:40     New control and DAQ electronics (A. Masserot)
  •     16:40 - 17:00     Changes in the detection scheme - DC detection? (E. Tournefier)
  •     17:00 - 17:20     Locking changes in Virgo+ (F. Cavalier)
  •     17:20 - 17:50     Conclusion, planning, next steps (M. Punturo)

Wednesday (April 4th):

09:00 Plenary (Th. S. Bauer ) Seminar room

    • General News : B. Mours  (20 min)
    • Data Analysis Update  :  A. Vicere  (20 min)
    • Commissioning plans until science run :  E. Tournefier  (15 min)
    • Run organization : R. Passaquieti  (15 min)
    • Information from the Speakers Bureau : C. Bradaschia (10 min)
    • Information about next VESF Council : F. Fidecaro  (10  min)
    • Information about FP7 E.T. Design Study :  M. Punturo  (10 min)

    14:00 VSC (B. Mours)

    1. News (LIGO-Virgo joint meeting)
    2. Start of the data sharing part of the LIGO-Virgo MOU.
    3. MOU between SCOX1-LIGO-Virgo
    4. Update of the Speakers bureau rules with a possible discussion on the Editorial board rules
    5. Other decisions to be made for:
      •  Commissioning;
      •  Detector,
      •  Data analysis,
      •  Speakers bureau,
      •  Editorial board,
      •  Outreach.
      • Please bring only items that require decisions
        6.    AOB
        7.    FP7 design study