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2007 February 5-7 th

by Thomas S. Bauer last modified 2009-09-02 14:50

Cascina - February 5th - 7th


14:30 Commissioning (M. Barsuglia) Seminar room (2h30)

  • L. Barsotti : Locking progress and plans (15 min)
  • M. Mantovani : Alignment progress and plans (15 min)
  • M. Barsuglia : second modulation (15 min)
  • E. Majorana : MSC progress and plans (15 min)
  • E. Tournefier: Noise budget (15 min)
  • R. Flaminio : Longitudinal control noise (15 min)
  • G. Vajente : angular control noise projections (15 min)
  • E. Fiori : Environmental noises (15 min)
  • E. Tournefier : Detection benches diffused light migration (10 min)
  • E. Genin : End benches benches diffused light migration (15 min)
  • coffee break

    17:30 parallel meetings: E&S -- Noise

    17:30 Noise ( C. Fidecaro) Seminar room (TBC) (parallel with E&S)

    17:30 E&S (F. Carbognani) Council room (TBC) (parallel with Noise)


    09:00 parallel meetings : Detector -- Data Transfer

    9:00 Detector (M. Punturo) Seminar room (3h30)

  • Thermal Lensing effect in a flat-flat cavity (J. Marque, 25 + 5 min)
  • Sideband maximums during thermalization (M. Laval, 15 + 5 min)
  • Faraday Lensing compensation through a FK51 crystal (Slim Hamdani (link), 10 + 5 min)
  • Thermal Compensation status report (V. Fafone (link), 20 min)
  • Discussion (incl. disc. on cleaning morror in tower) ( 15 min)
  • Phase camera status report (S. Bigotta, 20 + 5 min)

  • 11:10 - 11:20 Coffee break

  • IMC upgrade and Dihedron upgrade status reports (Th. S. Bauer, 15 + 5 min)
  • Pre-MC commissioning (F. Cleva, 20 + 5 min)
  • DAQ status and possible future improvements (A. Masserot, 20 + 5 min)

  • 11:00 Data Transfer (A. Vicere) Council room (~1h30)

    13:00 Sandwiches

    14:00 AdvancedVirgo (G. Losurdo) Seminar room (1h30)

  • R. Flaminio: The EGO 2nd R&D programme (30 min)
  • P. Cavalier: Plans for the CALVA facility (30 min)
  • M. Laval: Clipping losses with higher Laguerre Gauss mode (30 min)

  • 15:30 Data Analysis -- Seminar room

    15:30 CB Analysis (F. Marion) (1h30)

    • Frederique Marion: WSR7 analysis (15+5)
    • Simona Birindelli:  Coherent project  (15+5)
    • Daniel Grosjean:  Extending the analysis to higher mass  (20+10)
    • Frederique Marion:  Simulated data (10+5)

    16:55 Coffee break

    17:15 Burst Analysis (P. Hello) (1h30)

  •  Andrea Vicere: SW injections (5+5 min)
  • Alessandra Corsi: GRB status (15+5 min)
  • Marie-Anne Bizouard: All sky burst search (15+5 min)
  • Marie-Anne Bizouard: WSR7 "dust" events study (5+5 min)
  • Gianluca M. Guidi: Project2b status (10+5 min)
  • Andrea Vicer?: SW injections (5+5 min)
  • Sabrina d'Antonio : Search for Bursts with the Frequency Domain Adaptive Filter (FDAF), (15+5min)
  • P.Hello: General discussion about the Virgo burst pipelines (10+15 min)

  • 18:45 PSS Analysis (Th. S. Bauer) (0h10)


    09:00 Plenary (Th. S. Bauer ) Seminar room

    • 9:00 - 9:40 Spokesperson's Report (B. Mours, 40 min)
    • 9:40 - 10:00 Report from the EGO Director (F. Menziger, 20 min)
    • 10:00 - 10:10 Outreach (C. Bradaschia, 10 min)
    • 10:10 - 10:20 Editorial Board (M. Davier, 10 min)
    • 10:20 - 10:30 New Document Codifier (G. Hemming, 10 min)
    • 10:30 coffee break
    • 11:00 - 11:15 Commissioning (M. Barsuglia, 15 min)
    • 11:15 - 11:30 Detector (M. Punturo, 15 min)
    • 11:30 - 12:15 Report of the Analysis Meetings (A. Vicere, 45 min)
    • 12:15 - 12:30 Advanced Virgo Report (G.Losurdo, 15 min)

      14:00 VSC (B. Mours)

    • 1) News
      - EGO Council meetings
    • 2) Follow-up on the signature of the LIGO-Virgo MoU
      - Discussion on the composition of the :
      - - Run coordination
      - - Computing and Software
      - Preliminary discussion on the changes of the rules for Editorial Board and Speakers Bureau
    • 3) Other decisions to be made for
      - Commissioning;
      - Detector;
      - Data analysis;
      - Speakers Bureau;
      - Editorial Board;
      - Outreach.
      Please, bring only items that require decisions.
    • 4) AOB

    • Break

      Restricted VSC to VSC members only

    • 5) VSC rules updates.
    • 6) Appointment of the Virgo chair of the Physics group and of the corresponding review committees; Additional members for the review committees.
    • 7) Renewal of the Calibration oordinator
    • 8) AOB