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by Thomas Bauer last modified 2009-09-02 14:12

Cascina - Nov. 26th - 28th

Monday (Nov. 26th):

14:30 - 16:45       Commissioning (E. Tournefier)   Auditorium

G. Vajente                Recent locking improvements and plans                 20'
E. Genin                   BMS new PZT installation and characterisation       15'
E. Majorana              Recent LC improvements and 7xxHz
    and P. Ruggi                    investigations/plans                                      20'

L. Rolland                Calibration news                                                         15'
H. Heitmann            Alignment status and plans                                      20'

17:00 - 19:00       Noise (F. Fidecaro)                       Auditorium

Irene Fiori                 Studies of low frequency environmental noises    15'
Dominque Huet        Magnetic noise status                                              15' TBC
Gabriele Vajente       Control noise at low frequency                                15'

Tuesday (Nov. 27th):


 9:00 - 10:20      Plenary     (tbd)                  Auditorium

S. Katsanevas         News from the EGO Council                                15'+ 10'
B. Mours                 News from the Collaboration                              15'+ 10'
F. Menzinger           News from EGO                                                   15'+ 5'
E. Tournefier           Commissioning plans                                           15'+ 5'

Coffee break

10:40 - 13:00     Detector - I  (M. Punturo)  Auditorium

M.Punturo             Detectors and V+ Plans                                      10'+5'

E.Majorana           Recent LC improvements and 7xxHz
                          Investigations/plans (Commissioning)                     10'+5'

L. Pinard               New V+ mirrors and current mirrors cleaning         10'+5'

S. Bigotta              Phase Camera status                                          15' + 5'
A. Rocchi              TCS status and plans                                            20' + 5'
P. Popolizio           Infrastructure works                                             10' + 10'
A. Pasqualetti        Cryo-Trap realization                                            15' + 5'

10:40 - 13:00     Data Transfer  (A. Vicere)  Councilroom

L. Salconi           Pushing data to the CCs, pulling data from LIGO               15' + 5'
F. Antonucci       Status of data at Bologna CC                                            5' + 5'
M-A. Bizouard     Status of data at the Lyon CC                                            5' + 5'
All                     Discussion                                                                     15'

A. Viceré           LDR and short term plans for getting LIGO data with it        10' + 5'
D. Sentenac       SRB as a tool for data transfer                                             10' + 5'
S. Pardi             PHEDEX as a GRID tool for data transfer                            10' + 5'
All                    Discussion                                                                      15'

C. Palomba         Current use of GRID in Virgo: the pulsar case                       10' + 5'
T. Bauer/S.Klous  Use cases for GRID in Virgo: a draft specification document  10' + 5'
All                     Discussion                                                                        15'


14:00 - 15:30    Detector  - II  (M. Punturo)      Auditorium

J.van den Brand     FE electronics status                                         15' + 5'
Th. S. Bauer          IMC preparation                                                15' + 5'
J. Marque              Anderson/Nominal Frequency                            15' + 15'

Coffee break

15:45 - 17:45    Data Analysis (A. Vicere)          Auditorium

S.Braccini                   Correction of Doppler effect by discrete signal resampling                                 15' + 5'

S.Frasca                    New Hough procedure in the f/fdot plane                                                          10' + 5'
P.Hello                       Update on the BMS Veto, optimization and veto list for the 18/05-18/07 period   10' + 5'
G.M.Guidi                    BMS veto applied to inspiral search                                                                    5' + 5'
L.Bosi/D.Verkindt         Virgo Data Base and Quality Flags                                                                                    15' + 5'
G.Vedovato/G-A.Prodi   A proposal to work on coherent burst analysis                                                       10' + 5'
F.Marion                     Plans for joint LSC-Virgo inspiral analysis                                                          10' + 5'
A.Viceré                     Summary of the data transfer meeting results                                                   10' + 5'

18:00 - 19:00    Rehearsals (F. Ricci)  Seminarroom


Wednesday (Nov. 28th):


  9:00 - 11:00    Advanced Virgo        (G. Losurdo)          Auditorium

A. Di Virgilio  A Sagnac effect tiltmeter                                   15' + 10'
G. Losurdo     STAC-Council news and AdV Phase 2)             15' + 15'
S. Braccini      The SAFE Proposal                                               30' + 20'
R. De Rosa     Status of the R&D on electrostatic actuators     20' + 10'

11:00 - 12:30     Electronics + SW    (F. Carbognani)        Auditorium

V. Dattilo            Automatic relocking and Detector Monitoring alarms notification planned tests: 15'
M. Gray               Status on File Server + migration of services out of Ginger:    10'
L. Salconi            Storage Farm Status (additional 20TB, new on-line buffer, ...): 15'
F. Carbognani     Status of data serving via dataSender at the CC:                 10'
/ D. Sentenac
D. Sentenac        DataDisplay porting to cygwin:                                             10'
G.  Hemming      Status on LineMonitor application:                                      10' 
F. Carbognani     E&S Status & Plans:                                                             10'

14:00 - 17:00    VSC (B. Mours)         New Councilroom

1) News
    Request from the Polish group
    EGO Council decisions
2) Decisions to be made for:
  - Commissioning,
  - Detector,
  - Data analysis,
  - Advanced Virgo,
  - Speakers bureau,
  - Editorial board,
  - Outreach.
3) Discussion on the Talk/Posters/publications which are at the edge of the LV agreement (detector characterisation for instance)
4) Location of the next year LV meetings hosted by Virgo
5) Update of the MoAs group-collaboration
6) Appointment for the collaboration meeting convener
7) AOB.


Group leader only
1) Formal approval of the Roma Tor Vergata group on the basis on the second year MoA.
2) Consequences of the EGO council decisions on the Collaboration organization
3) AOB