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by Antonio Pasqualetti last modified 2009-04-21 11:27

1) results from the Erc review (A.Pasqualetti)
2) present wbs, present project planning, baseline design  (A.Pasqualetti)
3) vacuum control system ( F.Cavalier)
4) general HW & SW coordination (F.Carbognani)

5) cryotraps  (J.vandenBrand, M.Doets)
6) liquid nitrogen supply (G.Gemme/A.Chincarini)
7) Diffused light issue (C.Bradaschia)
8) central area systems: scrolls, ions, ... (A.Pasqualetti)
9) towers and UHV air upgrade (P.Mugnier)
10) towers displacement (F.Richard/R.Cosci/A.Paoli)