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some notes from the discussion

by Antonio Pasqualetti last modified 2012-02-13 14:42
notes from the 08Feb12 discussion

1) the proposed infrastructure modifications (Inj, Det labs) seems compatible with Ctrl System

2) Proposed vacuum pumping of central area quickly presented. Synthetically, the TSP pumps will be removed from links, and 2 Turbomolecular and 3 Ions will be used.

3) The displacement of DC power supplyes from the CC racks is to be discussed at a DIM meeting.
In particular, a place for the DC supplies should be identified and other SSs could be interfaced

4) Vacuum racks for minitowers could be perhaps 'integrated' in the main towers ones.
Operation in 'local mode' is to be studied too, even if the minitowers are less critical (if separated by glass )

5) a PLC has been made available and a Tango server has been prepared to be used for the maxigauge for the cryotrap
test vacuum equipment . Shall be ready within March.

6) Michel Gaspard has been appointed as Technical Responsible for the LAL team

7)  a first detailed technical discussion will take place at Lal

8) Lal team available to come on site for decabling activity, the plan is to be prepared

9) at present, it is not foreseen a general dismount of the platform and decabling except for the DT tower rack , and maybe for the SR rack , if useful for the Lal team. Shall be discussed

10) next meeting date Wed 07March 14h

11) FDR report to be prepared by end Feb

12) basic document of vacuum equipment for the 'control system' to be circulated by Antonio P. in a few days