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Wiki help

by Andreas Freise last modified 2010-05-26 13:34

How to edit this Wiki

First have a look at the 'EGO very short guide to the workarea'.

In addition there is a useful excerpt from a rather extensive manual of Plone, the editing software on which is based the workarea.

Making new OSD pages

By default please add new pages to the Pages folder and images to either the main OSD/image_dir folder or to the appropriate subdirectory, which should be called 'figures.'

Once a new pages is linked from the OSD main page, please remove it from the navigation bar by doing the following:
go to the new page (you need to be logged in), then click on 'properties' in the top (green) navigation
bar: a new page opens in which you can set a check box 'exclude from navigation'. Please do so and
press save.


You can use this Playground page for testing all this.