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Simulation for perfect Advanced Virgo arm cavity

by Jerome Degallaix last modified 2014-02-04 17:07

Calculate the first 20 eigenmode of the Advanced Virgo arm cavity

Take the paramerters a perfect Advanced Virgo arm cavity:

RoC IM = 1420m
Roc EM = 1683m
Length of the cavity = 3000m
Diameter of the mirror = 0.33m

And that's all what we need!

The results are given in the following table for the first 20 eigenvalues and mode shapes of the cavity. Here more details about the OSCAR results:

  • First column: the round trip resonnance phase in radian is given with respect to the fundamental mode. If the round trip phase is 0 [2 pi], that means the cavity is degenerated for this mode
  • Second column it is the Round Trip Losses in power (RTL). It is also called the diffraction loss which calculate the amount of power falling off the mirror for a given mode. The mode order in table is given by increasing value for the RTL.

modeResonance [rad]
RTL [ppm]
 123.500 927.2 
 133.500 2486 
 143.500 2560
 153.500 3369 
2.802 11402 

The OSCAR package for the results is here and the plot of the different modes is there