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h 34 table of content

by Valerio Boschi last modified 2018-03-09 10:21

                h 34  Table of Content


Cover: HST kilonova picture

Editorial:   2017  Physics Nobel Prize (Weiss)

F. Fidecaro: In memory of Adalberto Giazotto

D. Passuello: Remembering Adalberto

photo (Adalberto in front of the arm)

V. Boschi: Augustus Mirabilis

V. Boschi: GW140817 triple detection!

M. Razzano: GW170817 - "Multimesseger Astronomy" begins

W. Del Pozzo: Bayesian statistics @ Virgo

C. Bradaschia: The future of slides

F. Ferrini: 7 years as EGO Director

S. Katsanevas: Hallo!

S. Perus: Visits explosion (Researchers night...)

S. Perus: partenze e arrivi