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h - the gravitational voice

by Bernhard Lopez last modified 2018-02-28 12:05

h is an internal newsletter that provides news from EGO and VIRGO. It is published in electronic format (PDF) on a trimestral basis.


This (restricted) section is dedicated to the production of the internal newsletter. Click here to enter.


  • Carlo Bradaschia

Editorial Staff

  • Henrich Heitmann
  • Severine Perus
  • Gary Hemming
  • Andrea Matteini
  • Frederic Richard
  • Valerio Boschi


Any kind of contribution is most welcome: articles, letters, photos, ideas, etc. Please contact directly a member of the editorial staff.

Public images

This section contains images that are referred to in releases of h, but are not actually visible in the newsletter. The image is uploaded to this directory and the URL is then pointed to it. Click here to view the images.