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h 35 table of content

by Valerio Boschi last modified 2018-06-26 15:21

Cover: Sensitivity curve ???


News from the site


- 14/08 (Gherardini, Gary)

- Citta' della scienza (Gary)

- BRIGHT 2018 (Carlo)

- Python Robot (Carbognani)

News from the collaboration

- Squeezing (Sorrentino?)
- Birth of ET Collaboration and future detectors (Punturo)
- ET Sites (Losurdo, Linde, Vasuth)
- O3 preparation, monolithic suspension noise gain (Bersanetti?)

News from the world

- LVC Sonoma (Allocca)
- GWADW 2018 (NIKHEF ?)


- Hardwick, Michimura
- Trozzo