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Agenda 20140624

by Jean-Pierre Zendri last modified 2014-07-07 17:14


Minutes by Fulvio Ricci

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We review the status of the TDR collecting again the names of the contributors to the various chapters:

  1. Introduction -> Jean-Pierre Zendri, Francois Cohadon, Gerome Degallix….
    1. Sensitivity -> Enrico Calloni , Sheon Chua………….
  2. Experimental Overview -> Jean-Pierre Zendri, Pierre-Francois Couhadon, Sheon Chua…,..
  3. SHG ->Martina De Laurentis, Sheon Chua, Enrico Calloni, Matteo Leonardi……
  4. OPO -> Valeria Sequino, Alessio Rocchi,  Sheon Chua,………
  5. Homodyne -> Luca Naticchiono, Martina De Laurentis, Enrico Calloni ………
  6. Electronics and Control scheme -> Jean-Pierre Zendri, Benoit Mours, Ettore Majorana, Fausto Acernese, Fabrizio Barone….
  7. Injection -> Romain Gouaty, Matteo Leonardi, Matteo Barsuglia, Antonino Chiummo, Eric Genin…….
  8. Filter Cavities -> Pierre-Francois, Matteo Barsuglia, …………..

Concerning the proposal of names for chairing the S-WG,    Fulvio proposes two co-chairs: Pierre Francos Cohadon and Jean Pierre Zendri

The proposal is unanimously accept. and it will be presented to the VSC.

Next Tuesday the agenda is  base on the discussion on chapter SHG. Martina, after having collected the contribution to the other writers, will send the draft to the WG mailing list  a couple of days before next meeting.

Alessio will send the invitation to Alexander Kaledowski, which is back from Japan,  to follow our meeting and contribute to the TDR.

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