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Agenda 20140701

by Giovanni Prodi last modified 2014-07-07 17:14

Agenda and Minutes

h 16:00 CEST

Calling instructions:

Title:        AdV-squeez
Community:    Virgo - LSC
Password:    Adv-squeez
Meeting type: Open Meeting (Round Table)

Meeting Access Information:
     SeeVoghRN Application
     WebStart (Java)
     Mobile App :  Meeting ID: 696 3901   or  Link:

Minutes by Sheon Chua

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  • Squeezing working area WIKI pages. Contents: Agenda of the meeting included the slides to be presented, minute of the previous meeting.

  • SVN:  a repository for the current version of the TDR will keep track of all the editings. In this way several writers can collaborate. Need one week.


  • Format of the TDR. Latex?

  • Periodicity and scheduling of next meetings.
  • organization of a f2f meeting at next Virgo Week (15-17 Sept.)
  • TDR chapter 3 (SHG): presentation by Martina and discussion (slides, TDRchapter3-OPOpump)
  • Plan for the discussion of next chapters of TDR
  • Any Other Businesses



M Leonardi, A Khalaidovski, A. Rocchi, V. Sequino, S. Chua, G. Prodi, M. de Laurentis, L. Naticchioni, G. Gemme, J. Harms, V. Fafone, J-P Zendri, B. Mours, E. Cesarini, E. Calloni



  • Format of the TDR. Latex?

Latex template to be added to the Wiki (Rocchi and Zendri)


  • Periodicity and time schedule of next meeting ?

Weekly, Tuesdays at 4 pm (no change)


  • Organization of a face to face meeting (next Virgo week 1517 September)?

Jean-Pierre Zendri to begin organising, perhaps on the VSC meeting day.


Quick question about the sensitivity curve – Sheon Chua reporting problems with accessing LIGO, is working on it.


  • Presentation and discussion of chapter 3. (slides Martina)



  • EOMs in our case, they simply did not work at 532, though specified to do so by Thorlabs So MZ was the only quick choice (Khalaidovski)
  • The proposal is to build a squeezer with the same performance as GEO and H1 Squeezers, so it should be based on those squeezers to minimise R & D (Zendri)
  • If you have a DR-OPO, would a single-pass SHG be sufficient to pump the OPO? (Khalaidovski)
  • Calculations should inform any decision about single-pass or cavity-enhanced SHG (Chua and Khalaidovski).
  • Maybe it would be good if the MC cavity is not open at the top? (Khalaidovski)
    • Closed MC is better to prevent degrading of finesse
    • A cover should be OK (de Laurentis, Chua)
    • Clamped optics, outgassing of glues is suspected of degrading finesse too. (Khalaidovski)


  • Next chapters to be included in the TDR.
  • Next telecon will be:
    • An update on the Green Pump chapter (de Laurentis),
    • Presentation of the Homodyne detection chapter (Naticchioni), and
    • Recap of previous discussion of the OPO (Sequino) in preparation for that chapter.


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