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Agenda 20140930

by Jean-Pierre Zendri last modified 2014-10-03 08:25

Agenda and Minutes

h 16:00 CEST

Calling instructions:

Title:        AdV-squeez
Community:    Virgo - LSC
Password:    Adv-squeez
Meeting type: Open Meeting (Round Table)

Meeting Access Information:
     SeeVoghRN Application
     WebStart (Java) Mobile App : Meeting ID: 708 9462 or Link:

Minutes by J.-P. Zendri

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    General discussion about the TDR.



    Chua, Degallaix, DeLaurentis, Gemme, Naticchioni, Rocchi, Sequino,  Zendri



    Sensitivity curve:

    The GWINC simulations are confirmed to have been correctly made using the updated (expected) AdV parameters. (Sheon)

    From early simulations, it seems that at low frequency (say below 100 Hz in the case of AdV), the squeezed light can only worsen the sensitivity (due to the antisqueezing) even using the filter cavity the sensitivity does not improve significantly (Jean-Pierre). This aspect needs to be studied further (Sheon).

    The signal recycling mirror optimization of the reflectivity with squeezing should not substantially change the sensitivity curve (Sheon).

    Despite that, compared to LIGO, our goal is less ambitious we cannot think to do a shorter monolithic filter cavity. This is because the filter cavity length, together with the cavity optical losses determines the frequency where we rotate the squeezing ellipse. With rotation needed at about 100 Hz for both Virgo and LIGO, shorter filter cavity lengths make the cavity mirror requirements extremely challenging. (Sheon).

    The chapter of the simulations will be initially focused on the “risk mitigation”. (Jean-Pierre, Jerome, Gianluca)


    For the next week a new updated version of the SHG chapter will be delivered (Martina).


    The chapter on OPO has yet to be presented. For next week is expected the first version (Valeria).


    For the next week a new updated version of the Homodyne chapter will be delivered (Luca).

    Electronic and controls

    In the next meeting Jean-Pierre will present the state of the chapter electronic and controls (Jean-Pierre).

    Question (Jean-Pierre): Do we have to include in the TDR a detailed design of the squeezer optical bench (lens position and focal length, mirrors reflectivity, ROC, position..). Perhaps we don’t need to specify all the details because it's probably something we'll have to change during construction (Jerome).  (Jean-Pierre) In agreement with Jerome for the injection but perhaps for the squeezer we are already able to give all the details. Decision postponed.



    PROBLEM to be addressed: The people currently in charge to write this chapter are all heavily involved in the AdV construction and commissioning. So who will write the chapter?


    Next meeting

    Presentation  of chapter 6 (J.P. Zendri)

    Draft of chapter 3 (OPO) and chapter 1 (Sensitivity)

    Improved version of chapter SHG and Homodyne


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