EVO SeeVogh coordinates
Pia Astone
last modified
2013-03-07 23:17
meetings on Fridays at 3 pm CET. Begin on March,8, 2013. Normally every 2 weeks. BUT check your e-mail for reminders and these pages for agendas, as we might need to meet more frequently.
Title: VIRGO DAC Calls
Description: Virgo DAC call
Community: Virgo - LSC
Password: virgoDAC
Meeting Access Information:
- Meeting URL
SeeVogh R.N. http://research.seevogh.com/join?meeting=292I2iMeMs9I9MDs9aD9
EVO International http://evo.caltech.edu/evoNext/koala.jnlp?meeting=292I2iMeMs9I9MDs9aD9
- Password: virgoDAC
- Phone Bridge
ID: 15 4989
Password: 9299