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by Viviana Fafone last modified 2016-04-29 20:18

Connected: Bas, Annalisa, Kazuhiro, Laura, Jerome, Ilaria, Alessio, Fiodor, Viviana


- Kazuhiro and Laura report on last activities on PC1 and PC2 (see file TCS-PC meeting_2016_0429.pdf by Kazuhiro in this folder)


- Discussion on timeline for PC2. Romain will work in the next couple of weeks on SPRB. At present about 10 uW available in B4 beam and about 15% is for the PC à better to wait for higher power on B4. This will happen after suspension of WI and CITF in operation i.e. a couple of months (Bas).


- In the meantime focus the activity with the goal to have PC images available on DataDisplay. At the next meeting a more detailed planning on this topic will be given.


- If time allows, rebuild the prototype PC at Nikhef for testing, with the hardware already available.


- Simulations: no major updates. People involved (Annalisa, Jerome, Alessio) are working and will report when more results are available.


- Next telecon in two weeks on May 13.