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by Viviana Fafone last modified 2016-05-24 18:15

PC STATUS – meeting 08/01/2016

Participants: A. Rocchi, A. Allocca, B. Swinkels, E. Genin, M. Mantovani, K. Agatsuma, L. van der Schaaf, Jo Van den Brand, M. van Beuzekom, S. Doravari, V. Fafone


Phase camera design

One of the main point which has still to be decided concerning the phase camera design is whether to scan both the reference and the test beam or only the test beam. The final decision has to be supported by calculations and simulations.

First data taking

During the week 11-15/01 the first data from PC1 will be collected: Kazuhiro and Laura will be on the site and Martin will connect remotely from Nikhef in order to take measurements. It will be a good starting test mainly for electronics and software.

The Phase Camera 1 can look either at the reflection of the mode cleaner or at beam reflected from the Power Recycling cavity (B2 beam). For the latter case, the telescope has to be re-designed in order to be in the image plane of the PRC.


An interaction with J. Degallaix is needed in order to better understand what kind of simulations are needed. Moreover, since many people are involved in the simulation task (also in the TCS group) it is good to have a plan concerning how to split the work avoiding overlapping.


Kazuhiro and Laura will be on the site in the week 11-15/01/2016 in order to discuss about the final design. Moreover, since people from LAPP will be on the site during the same period, it will be a good occasion to interact with them in order to collect information for the design of the PC2 (B4) telescope.