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by Thomas Bauer last modified 2012-11-14 07:32

Cascina - Nov. 12th-14th

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Monday (Nov. 12th):

15:00 -  16:40    Data Analysis        (Pia Astone)               Auditorium            

15:00-15:20  Highlights on DA activities (Pia Astone)  [[]]

15:20-15:40 Update on NoEMi (Alberto Colla)

15:40:16:00 Environmental Sensors Census (Fabio Garufi)

16:00:16:20  Brute-force search for vetoes (Bas Swinkels)

16:20:16:40 Waveform reconstruction using bi-spectrum techniques (Andrea Cesarini)

16.40:17:00 "Measuring the equation of state of neutron stars with direct gravitational wave observations" (Michalis Agathos) EVO


17:15 - 19:00 VDAS   (Marie Anne Bizouard) 

17:15 - 17:30 "BuffervXX status and census" (Didier Verkindt)

17:30 - 18:00 "Virgo computing plan - Cascina upgrade" (Marie Anne Bizouard)

18:00 - 18:30 "Proposal for a common Virgo Storage Access Framework" (Pia Astone)

Tuesday (Nov 13th):

9:00 - 13:00 --- 14.00 - 16.00       Advanced Virgo      (G. Losurdo)                 Auditorium

 09:00 Part I AdV and aLIGO overview  
  F Carbognani AdV: on site works 15+5
  G Losurdo        
AdV: project status, progress, concerns           
  B Mours AdV: IPRB report 15+5
  D Shoemaker Advanced LIGO status 25+5
 11:00 Part II Subsystems progress and issues
  N Man PSL report 15+5
  R Gouaty DET report 15+5
  G Vajente Thermorefractive noise in the OMC 10+10
  L Pinard MIR report 15+5
  B Sassolas Status of the planetary motion 10+5
  A Chiummo
SLC report 15+5
 14:00 Part III
Other topics
  P Puppo Sensitivity: updated suspension th. noise model 10+5
  D Rabeling Phase camera progress 10+5
  M Pichot Optical simulation: DarkF progress 10+5

13:00 - 14:00        lunch       

16:00 -  18:00    AdV commissioning                  (J Degallaix - G Vajente)               Auditorium            

  • Commissioning news
  • Update on the installation plan


Wednesday (Nov 14th):


9:00 - 12:30    Plenary        (-- . --)           Auditorium

9:00 F. Ferrini
News from EGO                 

Jean-Yves Vinet News from Virgo 10+5

10:30 - 10:45 coffee break


G. Losurdo AdV - status
15 +  5

C. Bradaschia Outreach 10
11:35 A. Viceré VESB news


13:00 - 14:00 lunch

14:00 - 17:00    VSC                        (J-Y. Vinet)                Council Room


    -   VSC wide meeting

    -   VSC meeting