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by Thomas Bauer last modified 2012-06-25 19:02

Cascina - June 25th-27th

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Monday (Jun 25th):

15:00 -  19:00    Data Analysis        (M.-A. Bizouard)               Auditorium            

15:00 Part I : EM follow-up during ADE

  - Summary of the preparation within LSC/Virgo
M.A. Bizouard
  - Zadko & TAROT image analysis legacy
E. Chassande-Mottin
  - New perspectives in multi-messenger studies of gravitational waves and high-energy photons: a proposal M. Branchesi 15'
  - Complementary EM observations strategies G. Nelemans 15'
  - Gravitational-wave astronomy of binary inspirals with LIGO/Virgo M. van der Sluys 20
  - Virgo groups proposals ...
  Part II: Standard agenda

  - Testing GR with gravitational waves by the use of Bayesian inference - an update
A. ter Braack 15'
  - Inference of the cosmological parameters from gravitational waves: application to second generation interferometers without optical counterpart identification
W. Del Pozzo
  - Data quality for Advanced Virgo - first steps D. Verkindt 15'

Tuesday (Jun 26th):

9:30 - 13:00       Advanced Virgo      (G. Losurdo)                 Auditorium

 9:30  Part I  Installation Progress  
  F Carbognani
Decommissioning and infrastructure works preparation
 15 + 5 
   Part II
General issues

  G Losurdo        
Project status, progress, concerns           
 25 + 10
  B Mours
Reviews (Cost, planning, readiness)
 15 + 5

   Part III-a
Subsystems progress - PAY session
  A Conte
Payloads mechanics
 15 + 5
  F Travasso
Q tests
 15 + 5
  P Rapagnani
PAY summary
 15 + 5

  Part III-b
Subsystems progress  

C Buy
AdV telescopes status 15 + 5

E Genin
INJ status and plans 15 + 5

L Pinard
MIR status and plans
 15 + 5

J van den Brand
Quadrant photodiodes front ends
 15 + 5

L Rolland DAQ status and plans  15 + 5

   Part IV
Other issues
  I Fiori
Environmental noise monitoring and mitigation issues
 20 + 5



13:00 - 14:00        lunch       

14:00 -  16:00    AdV session continued                  (G. Losurdo)               Auditorium            

19:00         Biathlon 2012                 (C. Bradaschia) 

20:00         Buffet Dinner                 (please, register with Severine Perus) 



Wednesday (Jun 27th):


9:00 - 12:30    Plenary        (-- . --)           Auditorium

9:00 F. Ferrini
News from EGO                 

Jean-Yves Vinet News from Virgo 10+5

Bruce Gendre
Why the gravitational waves are important for those who study electromagnetic waves (and vice versa) ?


10:30 - 10:45 coffee break


G. Losurdo AdV - status
15 +  5

C. Bradaschia Outreach 10



13:00 - 14:00 lunch

14:00 - 17:00    VSC                        (J-Y. Vinet)                Council Room


    -   VSC wide meeting

    -   VSC meeting