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by Thomas Bauer last modified 2012-02-28 09:19

Cascina - Feb 27th-29th

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Monday (Feb 27th):

16:00 -  19:00    Data Analysis        (M.-A. Bizouard)               Auditorium            

16:00 Marie Anne Bizouard
Introduction 5
16:05 Alberto Colla VSR2-VSR4 NoEMi lines identification + aLIGO line identification news
16:20 Sergio Frasca Sidereal effect in LIGO data: annual periodicity artifact 15+5
16:40 Cristiano Palomba
Update on Vela/Crab and other low frequency pulsar searches 10+5
17:00 Pia Astone
The all-sky search on VSR2/VSR4 data: the veto procedure on known lines

Tuesday (Feb 28th):

9:00 - 13:00       Advanced Virgo      (G. Losurdo)                 Auditorium

The session will be stopped at 1pm and resumed in the afternoon, after the seminar.

 9:00  Part I  Installation Progress  
     M. Blom
 EIB-SAS   15 +    5 
   Part II
General issues
     G. Losurdo
 Project status, progress, concerns
  30 +  10
     B. Mours
 IPRB report
  15 +    5
     H. Heitmann
 Organization of the project office
  15 +    5
   Part III
Subsystems progress
     L. Pinard
 MIR - report on metrology needs
  15 +    5
     R. Bonnand
 MIR - corrective coating status
  15 +    5
     B. Sassolas
 MIR - coating uniformity
  15 +    5
     J. Marque
 SLC - baffle design progress report
  15 +    5
    R. Day
 INJ - specs of the IMC end mirror
  15 +    5
    J. Degaillaix
 OSD - optical design status and SS plans
  15 +    5
   Part IV
Other issues
    M. Punturo  Summary of the Thermal Noise Workshop   15 +    5
    E. Calloni
 Cavity length measurement
  15 +    5

13:00 - 14:00        lunch

14:00 -  15:00    Seminar              J. P. Montagner (Inst. de Physique du Globe, Paris)

" Virgo and Geophysics"               Auditorium            

15:30 -  18:30    AdV session continued                  (G Losurdo)               Auditorium            



Wednesday (Feb 29th):


9:00 - 12:30    Plenary        (Th. S. Bauer)           Auditorium

9:00 F. Ferrini
News from EGO                 

Gijs Nelemans (Nijmegen)
"Gravitational wave astophysics: what astronomers can do for and with Virgo"

Jean-Yves Vinet News from Virgo 10+5

10:30 - 10:45 coffee break


G. Losurdo AdV - status
15 +  5
M.A. Bizouard
15 +  5
A.  Viceré
VEB 10
C. Bradaschia


13:00 - 14:00 lunch

14:00 - 17:00    VSC                        (J-Y. Vinet)                Council Room


    -   VSC wide meeting

    -   VSC meeting