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by Thomas Bauer last modified 2012-04-17 16:10

Cascina - April 16th-18th

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Monday (Apr 16th):

16:00 -  19:00    Data Analysis        (M.-A. Bizouard)               Auditorium            

16:00 Marie Anne Bizouard
News 15
16:15 Salvatore Vitale/Riccardo Sturani
Effects of spin on sky localization
16:30 Gergely Debreczeni
GPUs developments update
16:50 Walter Del Pozzo Testing GR: an update 15+5
17:10 Francesco Piergiovanni
Non linear system identification and noise substraction with EF-FROE
17:30 Marco Drago
Regression methods applied to Virgo data

Tuesday (Apr 17th):

9:15 - 13:00       Advanced Virgo/ TDR      (G. Losurdo)                 Auditorium

Part I- General issues

H Heitmann
Construction progress, project management issues
G Losurdo
TDR and after

B Mours
IPRB report

M Punturo
Sensitivity curve document
Part II - SS progress

P Rapagnani
PAY report

R Bonnand
MIR - Corrective coating: full size test

J Degaillaix
MIR - Coating results on aLIGO mirrors

R Gouaty
DET report
L Rolland
DAQ report
A Bertolini
 SBE report

13:00 - 14:00        lunch

14:00 -  ~ 15:00       Advanced Virgo/ TDR     (if needed)  (G. Losurdo)                 Auditorium

after end of AdV session:

Open Source Software Portal        Gary Hemming       


17:00 - 17:30        coffee

17:30 -  19:00    Seminars              Stefano Braccini Price Winners    ( N. N.)             Auditorium       

time   Speaker
17:30 - 18:15   Dr. Aleksandr Khalaidovski   Beyond the Quantum Limit -
A Squeezed-Light Laser in GEO600
18:15 - 19:00
  Dr. Rutger van Haasteren   Gravitational Wave Detection and Data Analysis
for Pulsar Timing Arrays.


Wednesday (Apr. 18th):


no meeting on Wednesday morning.

13:00 - 14:00 lunch

14:00 - 17:00    VSC                        (J-Y. Vinet)                Council Room


    -   VSC wide meeting

    -   VSC meeting