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by Thomas Bauer last modified 2009-11-17 17:29

Cascina - November 16 -18th

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Monday (Nov 16th):

14:30 - 17:00     Commissioning      (E. Calloni)           Auditorium

E. Calloni:      Commissioning and VRS2 status           15  + 5'
I.Fiori:            Noise Draft and Noises in Virgo+MS     20' + 10'
B. Swinkels:    Magnetic Noise in Virgo+ and MS         20' + 10'
P.Puppo:        Virgo+MS sensitivity curve                    15  + 10

17:00 - 19:00     Detector                (P. Rapagnani)            Auditorium

P.Rapagnani       Introduction                                                                   10'+5'
Th. S. Bauer       EIB Isolation and New Dihedron Status                             15'+5'
H.Vocca             Monolithic Status: Q Meas., Mirrors prep.                         15'+5'
M.Lorenzini       Monolithic Status: Tests on the fibres                               15'+5'
P.Puppo             Monolithic Status: Payload Status                                     15'+5'
E.Majorana tbc   Monolithic Status: Local Control tests on new payload     15'+5'
P.Rapagnani       Planning                                                                          10'+5'

Tuesday (Nov 17st):

9:00 - 13:00     Advanced Virgo      (G. Losurdo)                Auditorium

G.Losurdo      -  AdV news
A.Brillet         -  PSL status
B.Mours         -  PSL review: IRB report
F.Bondu         -  ISC requirements to PSL
S.Gras            -  Parametric instabilities
G.Losurdo      -  AdV with lower power
M.Barsuglia    -  OSD status

13:00 - 14:00        lunch

14:00 -  17:00    Data Analysis        (G.M. Guidi)               Auditorium            

B Mours - Update on on-line MBTA analysis
R Sturani - New hybrid spin-Taylor waveforms with ringdown attached
A Corsi - Joint GRB-GW data analysis and source modeling: a brief update
L Rolland - Calibration and reconstruction status for VSR2
A Colla - A robust and GRID compliant system for Virgo data transfer

C Palomba - An update on lines identification in VSR2 data using CW tools

P Astone - Detection and removal of time events in the continuous wave search pipeline

S Frasca - A new method for detecting known periodic sources

N Leroy - Virgo Data Quality: status of the work

Discussion on Virgo Reduced Data Set and Scientist Shifts

Wednesday (Nov 18nd):


9:00 - 12:30    Plenary        (Th. S. Bauer)           Auditorium

F. Fidecaro
News from Virgo, LV-Meetings
E. CalloniCommissioning status and plans 10+5
P. RapagnaniDetector status and plans10+5
G. GuidiData analysis status and plans15+5
G. LosurdoAdvanced Virgo status and plans15+5
G. Hemming
TDS evolution report
B. Mours
Open Data Policy
R. Passaquieti

13:00 - 14:00 lunch

14:00 - 17:00    VSC                        (F. Fidecaro)                Council Room


VSC wide meeting

VSC meeting