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by Thomas Bauer last modified 2009-09-02 13:41

Cascina - Feb 2nd - 4th

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Monday (Feb 2nd):

14:30 - 17:00     Commissioning      (E. Calloni)           Auditorium

1) E. Calloni:     Introduction                                                      (10 + 5)
2) S. Bigotta:     Phase camera status and measurements           (20 + 5)
3) A. Rocchi:     TCS status and perspectives                              (20 + 5)
4) J. Marque:     Interferometer Optical characterization             (20 + 5)
5) A. Masserot: Electronic and Software status and upgrades     (20 + 5)
6) G. Vajente:    Locking status and perspectives                        (20 + 5)

17:00 - 19:00     Detector-1                (P. Rapagnani)            Auditorium

1 Introduction                  Piero Rapagnani           5'

2 New ADC Status            Benoit Mours              20'+5'

3 External Benches Noise mitigation progress
                                        Irene Fiori                   25'+5'

4 Computing Status          Stefano Cortese         20'+5'  

Tuesday (Feb 3rd):

9:00 - 13:00     Advanced Virgo      (G. Losurdo)                Auditorium

G.Losurdo       (5’)     Introduction
H.Heitmann   (15')     AdV project management issues

AdV design issues

M.Barsuglia                  (15’)    Suspending NDRC optics
A.Brillet                        (15’)    Progress on the fiber laser
A.Pasqualetti                (15’)    Small cryotrap solution
R.Passaquieti                (15’)    Experimental test of radiative cooling
J. Y. Vinet                     (15’)    Scattered light in radiative cooling TCS


Subsystem reports
A.Freise – OSD (40’)
L.Pinard – MIR (20’)
R.Passaquieti – SAT (20’)

13:00 - 14:00        lunch

14:00 -  17:00    Data Analysis        (G.M. Guidi)               Auditorium            

Talks duration: 10+5 min

Introduction (GM Guidi)
Data Transfer status (L Salconi)
Status of on-line data transfer and on-line CBC analysis (B Mours)
DQ/vetoes VSR2 preparation status report (D Verdkindt)

Data transfer and data user access using grid tools: some results and future developments (C Palomba)
Results of the high frequency search for bursts in S5y2-VSR1 using coherent WaveBurst (V Re)
Semitargeted search by discrete signal resampling (O Torre)
Update on Rome CW activities (C Palomba)

Status of the LSC/Virgo CBC High Mass search (R Gouaty)
CBC Rates (T Bulik - EVO connections)
Search for non Gaussian stochastic backgrounds (S Birindelli)
Robust estimation of the parameters of a disturbed non-stationary Gaussian process (S Frasca)

17:00 - 19:00     Detector-2                (P. Rapagnani)            Auditorium

1 Introduction                                                     5'           P. Rapagnani

2 Electronic and Software status and upgrades    20'+5'    A. Masserot

3 New ADC Status                                                20'+5'    B. Mours  

4 Surface and interface analysis of thin
   oxide films for coating characterization            20'+5'    M. Canepa (GE)    

5 Status for the IMC flat mirrors                           20'+5'    F. Mul/Th. S. Bauer   

6 Update on Monolithic Suspensions                    20'+5'    P. Puppo

Wednesday (Feb 4th):


9:00 - 10:40     Plenary                   (Th. S. Bauer)           Auditorium

(preliminary agenda)
 9:00 -  9:15F. FidecaroNews
 9:15 -  9:25
J. Colas
 Summary talks  
 9:25 -  9:40E. Calloni/P. Rapagnani
 9:40 -  9:55
P. Rapagnani
 9:55 - 10:10
G. Guidi
10:10 - 10:25
G. Losurdo
Adv. Virgo
10:25 - 10:35
F. Richard
Techn. Doc. System

13:00 - 14:00 lunch

11:00 - 13:30    VSC                        (F. Fidecaro)                Council Room

1. Communications
Contacts with LKB, Orléans
  - Open data policy of LSC
2. Papers and Talks Board
Structure, harmonization with LSC, author list management
3. Virgo Organization
Next ERC phone meeting
Advanced Virgo Charter
Proposal to the EU for the fellowship program "EGO-COFUND"
Documentation provided by Michele Punturo
7. Coordinators' plans and decisions
  - Detector
  - Data Analysis
  - Advanced Virgo
  - Outreach
8. AOB