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by Thomas Bauer last modified 2009-09-02 13:39

Cascina - April 20 -22th

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Monday (Apr 20th):

14:30 - 17:00     Commissioning      (E. Calloni)           Auditorium

E. Calloni        Introduction                                      10' + 5'
A. Masserot    E&S status                                          20' + 5'
A. Gennai        Suspension Electronics                      20' + 5'
I Fiori              Low Frequency environmental noise  20' + 5'
G. Vajente       Locking Status   (G. Vajente)              20' + 5'

17:00 - 19:00     Detector-1                (P. Rapagnani)            Auditorium

P. Rapagnani         Introduction         5'
P. Puppo               Update on the status of Monolithic Suspensions 20'+5'
F.Travasso            Dissipation tests in Perugia Facility                     20'+5'
R.Flaminio            Status of Mirrors for Monolithic Suspensions      15'+5'
P.Popolizio            New Infrastructure for Monolithic Suspensions at 1500W  15'+5'
P.Rapagnani          Preliminary Planning for Monolithic Suspension Installation 10'+5'
Th.S.Bauer            Status for the IMC flat Mirrors                             10'+5'

Tuesday (Apr 21st):

9:00 - 13:00     Advanced Virgo      (G. Losurdo)                Auditorium

V.Fafone          TCS (20)
P.Rapagnani     PAY (20)
A.Paoli             IME (20)
G.Losurdo        Design Overview (40)
H.Heitmann      Project management issues (30)

13:00 - 14:00        lunch

14:00 -  17:00    Data Analysis        (G.M. Guidi)               Auditorium            

Virgo Software organisation for VSR2/S6 (F Carbognani) 10+5 min
CBC search update (F Marion) 10+5 min
MBTA on-line analysis and hardware Injections during VSR2/S6 (B Mours) 10+5 min
CW Hardware Injections (S Braccini) 5+10 min
Stocastic Background search update (G Cella) 10+5
Progresses on burst source position reconstruction using coherent WaveBurst (G Vedovato) 10+5
Summary of last months activities, plans for VSR2/S6 and status of the VSR1 analysis for Vela (C Palomba) 15+5 min
An upper limit for the amplitude of the gravitational wave signal from Vela pulsar in the VSR1 data (Maciej Pietka) 10+5 min
Spectral lines in WSR12 data (C Palomba) 5+5 min
DQ work update (F Robinet) 10+5

Wednesday (Apr 22nd):


9:00 - 12:30     Plenary                   (Th. S. Bauer)           Auditorium

F. Fidecaro
News from Virgo
J. ColasNews from EGO 
F. Richard
Technical Documentation System
E. CalloniCommissioning status and plans 10'+5'
P. RapagnaniDetector status and plans
G. Guidi Data analysis status and plans
R. PassaquietiVSR2 Organization

Coffee break
ends 11:30
G. Losurdo Advanced Virgo status and plans
P.-F. Cohadon Presentation of Laboratoire Kastler-Brossel

13:00 - 14:00 lunch

14:00 - 17:00    VSC                        (F. Fidecaro)                Council Room


VSC wide meeting

  1. Communications 
  2. VSR2
  3. VSB-VEB
    • Postdoc authorship: transition period
    • LV papers author list
  4. External Collaboration: radioastronomy data (documentation will follow)
    • Jodrell Bank
    • Vela data
  5. Open data policy
    • LV MoU amendment (doc will follow)
  6. Laboratoire Kastler-Brossel participation in Virgo
  7. Advanced Virgo
    • WBS
    • Task distribution  
  8. Moas
    • Moas for Advanced Virgo
  9. Coordinators' decision
    • Commissioning
    • Detector
    • Data Analysis
    • Outreach
  10. AOB
VSC meeting
  1. Communications
  2. Moas
  3. Advanced Virgo task distribution: first assignments
  4. AOB