Cryotrap meeting 15Jun, trace for discussion
Cryotraps design discussion, 15Jun
_ current AdV planning: The installation of cryotraps is planned to start in mid 2012.
The call for tender can start at end 2010
_ proposed next 4 months activity: the baseline design is sufficiently detailed.
We can now evaluate possible alternatives (with respect to cost , bubbling noise issue, easyness operation, ...)
_ for instance, the LIGO cryotrap characteristics are:
Aluminum cryostat, half filled to have a quick vapour/liquid separation, with large passage
sections for the gas and smooth continuous refill . Just one thermal shield, no MLI and inner bellows.
_ A proposed option to be evaluated is the following: aluminum shield cooled with a 'reduced' LN2 cryostat. In particular we could study the technical feasibility, the thermal gradients and the thermalization time constants. See the principle design in a forthcoming sketch.
Details on present 'baseline' trap design:
_ MLI + inner bellows : advantages/drawbacks
_ liquid nitrogen inlet , how to get a smooth continuous and silent flow
_ gas outlet: evaporation is concentrated at trap extremities, vapour flow is about 1 liter/sec .
Bubbles growth along the path to the exit: trapping points, cryostat walls, holed stiffening rings.
_ need of one large flange and large size bellows vs the tower side
_ Phase separator design
_ fluid-dynamic liquid/bubbles study
_ exp tests