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Acceptance review questions :

by Antonio Pasqualetti last modified 2015-11-16 10:25

 1. Is the construction completed? This means explaining if everything has
 been completed as expected or if there are things which are missing for
 whatever reason (change in the design since the technical readiness
 review, part to be completed later).

 2. Test(s) performed? This is the list and results of test(s) which
 have been made by the sub-system to check that the component to be
 accepted is working as expected

 3. Documentation? This is the pointer(s) to the documents available in
 the TDS, hardware inventory, or elsewhere.

 4. List of channels? The list of channel collected by the data
 acquisition system relevant for this part.

 5. Monitoring? Are there any monitoring operation that would be
 required by the operators or performed by monitoring process? Are there
 procedures defined in case of problem detected by the monitoring (like too
 high temperature).

 6. Maintenance? This is a description of the foreseen planned
 maintenance for this component.