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Meeting Minutes

by Franco Carbognani last modified 2013-05-31 16:53


F. Carbognani , A. Pasqualetti, L. Paoli, A. Paoli, M. D’Andrea, H. Heitmann, P. Popolizio, F. Paoletti


The meeting focused on the general approach should be taken for the CB Cable trays design and reuse of existing trays.

Main Points

The main points which has been agreed at the meting are:

  1. For the power supply distribution to the racks on the platform a cable trays network will be realized at 2 / 2.5 meters from the platform level in order to limit magnetic noise coupling with the mirror magnets. This cable trays “layer” will be either attached to the new scaffolding or dedicated poles and supports used.

  2. Again to prevent magnetic noise, it would be preferable to remove the AC cables now going trough the cable trays embedded in the CB hall floor. This possible cable redeployment (which could be done passing outside the main CB hall walls (via the “cavedi”) will be studied and a cost/timing assessment made. In the mean time it is agreed that the power supply connections to the DET and INJ Clean Room will be provisionally done as foreseen using those existing trays.

  3. As far the existing Cable Trays, the emptied ones, mainly corresponding to the sensors/actuators cables formerly reaching the Suspension crates, will be removed in order to clean-up the situation as far as possible

  4. The existing cable trays containing the Vacuum cables will remain as they are with local optimization wherever possible (to be checked between Antonio and Massimo) and substitution/addition of supports were not adequate or unsafe.

  5. The preferred typology of cable trays will be the mesh trays , also named "wire cable trays" (passerelle a rete) unless, for specific needs (limitation of electromagnetic interference, etc.) a certain user (a s for example the INJ subsystem) has a different request. For Antonio, mesh trays for all Vacuum additional cabling needs are fine.

  6. The cable trays currently passing on the walls and staying around 1 meter from the platform level and interfering with the positioning of racks near the wall will be moved in higher position (above 2 meters). This is already planned and ongoing (Massimo).

  7. The next step will be a technical meeting, (a follow up of the one done for the INJ specific needs) were all the connectivity requirements collected by Computing and the estimation of AdV rack needs and locations collected by Loic will be analyzed and the steps to arrive to an overall cable tray design defined.