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This folder contains presentations or other documents for the ERC in a version that can be shared outside the committee
A.Pasqualetti - VAC by Antonio Pasqualetti — last modified 2009-03-17 16:51
L.Pinard - MIR by Giovanni Losurdo — last modified 2009-03-17 17:02
R.Passaquieti - SAT by Giovanni Losurdo — last modified 2009-03-17 22:58
OSD Subsystem Talk (240309) by Andreas Freise — last modified 2009-03-17 23:52
OSD Subsystem (extra material) 240309 by Andreas Freise — last modified 2009-03-17 23:53
Comparison of LIGO and LIGO + Virgo networks, for Binary Neutron Stars by Andrea Vicere — last modified 2009-04-20 18:09
P.Rapagnani - PAY by Giovanni Losurdo — last modified 2009-04-21 17:28
A.Paoli-IME subsystem by Andrea Paoli — last modified 2009-04-21 18:25
V. Fafone - TCS by Viviana Fafone — last modified 2009-04-21 19:08