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12 items matching your criteria. RSS Feed
Stochastic background DA (pdf) [1%] by GiancarloCella, 2011-05-17 11:04
Stochastic background DA (powerpoint) [1%] by GiancarloCella, 2011-05-17 11:03
NAP library [1%] by GiancarloCella, 2009-04-29 15:45
The Noise Analysis Package (python bindings html documentation). SB library is built on top of it.
SB library [1%] by GiancarloCella, 2009-04-29 15:13
The Virgo stochastic background data analysis library (html reference)
Presentazione stocastico meeting 31/10/07 [1%] by GiancarloCella, 2007-10-31 01:46
Agenda [1%] by GiancarloCella, 2007-06-05 18:16
Meeting agenda
Sensitivity integrand [1%] by GiancarloCella, 2007-06-05 18:16
Repository [1%] by GiancarloCella, 2007-06-05 18:16
Public image repository
Documentation [1%] by GiancarloCella, 2009-04-29 15:11
Documentation relevant for stochastic background data analysis software
All [1%] by GiancarloCella, 2007-06-05 18:16
Virgo/LSC face to face meeting [1%] by GiancarloCella, 2007-06-05 18:16
Agenda and useful informations for the meeting of the Virgo/LSC stochastic background collaboration (Virgo site, September 7th & 8th)
Minutes [1%] by GiancarloCella, 2007-06-05 18:16
Minutes of the face to face meeting