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Draft Agenda for the LV May 2007 meeting

by Benoit Mours last modified 2007-06-05 18:05

Satellite and f2f meetings: Monday May 21 and Tuesday May 22

    Tuesday May 22: 16:00-19:00
    16:00    S5 commissioning and noise budget (S. Ballmer)
    16:30    Post S5 commissioning (K. Riles)              
    16:50     Locking and control noises (G. Vajente)
    17:20    Alignment status and plans (H. Heitmann)
    17:50    Calibration news (L. Rolland)         
    18:10    Calibration in LIGO (M. Landry)              
    18:30    Spherically Invariant Random Process Model of LIGO Noise (R. Conte)
    18:45    Acoustic enclosures performances (I. Fiori)
  • Calibration committee Tueday May 22; 19:00-20:00; EGO Council room at the Virgo site

Wednesday May 23

Data Analysis plenary 10:45-12:30; Paper + Burst (Chair M.A. Papa-A. Vicére) Regina room.

10:45      Presentation of papers:  GRB070201 (Szabi Marka)
11:15      Burst analysis report
               Virgo burst searches (Patrice Hello)
               LSC S5 burst search: Q Pipeline (Shourov Chatterji)
               LSC S5 burst search: Coherent WaveBurst (Igor Yakushin by telephone)
12:30      End

12:30-13:45 Lunch meeting of the DAC and JRP committees (Isabella room)

Data Analysis plenary 13:45-15:30; Inspiral + LV projects I (Chair M.A. Papa-A. Vicére) Regina room.

 13:45      Inspiral reports
                13:45 GRB report: Patrick Brady (20+10)
                14:15 S5 searches for non-spinning systems: Craig Robertson (20+5)
                14:40 S4 ringdowns: Lisa Goggin, by phone (20+10)
                15:20 Plans (w/ LIGO-VIRGO joint analysis: Frederique Marion (15+5)
 15:30      End

Coffee Break

General Plenary 16:00-19:00 (Chair T. Bauer) Regina room.

16:00      Status of the LSC (Dave Reitze)
16:10      Status of the LIGO lab and S5 (Albert Lazzarini)
16:30      Status of GEO (Stefan Hild)
16:45      Status of Virgo (Benoit Mours)
16:55      Sensitivity of Virgo (Edwige Tournefier)
17:10      Status of the Japanese project (Kazuaki Kuroda)
17:30      News from the Data Analysis Council (TBD)
17:45      News from the Run Planning Committee (TBD)
18:00      Plans for Enhanced and Advanced LIGO (Stefan Ballmer)
18:20      Plans for Virgo+ (Michele Punturo)
18:35      Presentation of a new Virgo group (Gianluca Gemme)
18:50      End

Thursday May 24

        Virgo Steering Committee (closed); 8:00-9:00; Isabella room

Technical session:  9:00-12:15  (Chair M. Punturo) Regina room.

09.00     Resonant mode technique to measure the mirror temperature in Virgo (M.Punturo; 5' Discussion)   
09:25     Thermal effects simulation in Virgo (M.Laval; 5' Discussion)
09:45     Thermal compensation experience in LIGO (P. Willems; 10' Discussion)    
10:15     Status of the thermal compensation in Virgo (A.Rocchi; 5' Discussion)    
10:30     Coffee Break   
10:45     Modulation frequency, recycling lenght and input mirrors thermal lensing  (J.Marque; 5' Discussion)   
11:10     Phase camera project restart (S.Bigotta; 5' Discussion)   
11:25     DSP in Virgo (A.Gennai; 5' Discussion)   
11:45     DAQ and control electronics project (TBC)(A.Masserot; 5' Discussion)

12:15-13:30 Lunch meeting of the LSC and VSC Executive Committees (Isabella room)

Data analysis plenary 13:30-15:30; CW + LV projects II (Chair M.A. Papa-A. Vicére) Regina room.

  13:30      CW reports  
                13:30 -13:55 (15+10) S5 Crab results (targeted and parameter space search)
                13:55-14:20 (15+10) S5 Powerflux all-sky results
                14:20-14:45 (15+10) Einstein@home hierarchical search now running
 14:45      Joint LV projects
                    Project 2b joint burst search (Gianluca Guidi)
                    CW LV projects      
 15:30      End

Coffee Break

Data analysis plenary 16:00-17:35; Stochastic(Chair M.A. Papa-A. Vicére) Regina room.

  16:00   Stochastic reports
  16:00    LIGO Stochastic Status (S. Ballmer 10'+5')
  16:15    Maximum Likelihood Estimation of GWB Anisotropy (S. Mitra 20'+5')  
  16:40    S5 H1H2 Isotropic Search (N. Fotopoulos 15'+5')
  17:00    Stochastic LIGO-VIRGO    (J. Whelan 20'+5')
  17:20    Future Plans (G. Cella 5'+5')

Technical plenary session: May 24 17:35-19:00             

17:35     New IMC payload and dihedron in Virgo+ (J. van den Brand; 5' Discussion)
17:55     Monolithic suspensions in Virgo+ (H.Vocca (TBC); 10' Discussion)
18:15     Input optics for ADV LIGO (D.Tanner; 5' Discussion)
18:40     Fast centering system for the ITF alignment quadrant diodes (H.Heitmann)    
19:00     End

Friday May 25

Advanced detectors session 9:00-12 :00  (Chair P. La Penna - G. Losurdo) Regina room.

09:00    The laser for ADV LIGO (P.Willems)  20'+5' discussion
09.25    R&D on fiber laser and fiber IMC for ADV Virgo (N.Man) 20'+5'
09.50    Input optics for ADV Virgo (P.La Penna) 20'+5'
10.15    Coffee Break
10.35    Faraday isolator thermal lensing simulation with high power (S.Hamdani) 15'+5'
10.55    Alignment issues for ADV Virgo (A.Freise/M.Mantovani) 15'+5'
11.15    Charging research at Glasgow (I.Martin) 15'+5'
11.35    Coatings design optimization for advanced IFOs (I.Pinto) 15'+5'
11.55    Beam profile optimization for thermal noise reduction in advanced IFOs  (V.Galdi) 15'+5'

 PS: The talk by D.Tanner on "Input optics for ADV LIGO" has been scheduled in the THURSDAY session

Technical plenary session: May 25 13-15:30  (Chair M. Punturo) Regina room.

13.30    Mirror Suspension Control experience in Virgo (E. Majorana; 5' Discussion)
13:55    Virgo Software Management: Status and Plans (F.Carbognani; 5'  Discussion)
14:15    Status on Laser power tuning via rotator (D. Sentenac;  5' Discussion)
14:35    Review of Software freeze for Long Science Run and Status on Hardware Inventory (F. Carbognani; 5' Discussion)

15:15    End