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Download OSLogbook

by Franco Carbognani last modified 2008-10-23 10:27

Information on the OSLogbook open source package detailing and providing: developments to be implemented for the new release; the current stable version and source files; previous stable versions and source files; and changes implemented between one version and another.

OSLogbook is freely available under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL).


OSLogbook installation / user guide

Next version, currently in development - v1r9

Will include:

  • Generic filter function to remove all problematic symbols that may prove problematic when posting for HTML and PHP.
  • 'Add Comment To' to be improved when re-editing.

Current stable version - v1r8

File Description
OSLogbook Windows Distribution, ZIP archive
OSLogbook Linux Distribution, Tar+Gzip archive

Alterations made between current stable version (v1r8) and previous stable version (v1r7)

  • dft, asm, par and kat added to list of uploadable file types.
  • Password now hidden when adding users in Admin section.
  • Content-type header included in scripts/updateTasks.php to take French characters into account.
  • Redundant serialNoCheck.js reference removed from index.php.
  • PHP messages suppressed in index.php as well as includes/initVar.php.

Files in v1r8 that are different from v1r7
Users who are already using v1r7 of the OSLogbook may wish to simply update the files that have been amended in v1r8, rather than re-install the entire application. The following is a list of the four files that have changed since the previous release:

  • index.php
  • includes/initVar.php
  • scripts/updateTasks.php
  • docs/OSL_UserGuide.pdf

Previous stable versions

File Description
Windowsosl_v1r7.zipOSLogbook Windows Distribution, ZIP archive
OSLogbook Linux Distribution, Tar+Gzip archive

Alterations made between v1r7 and v1r5

  • Total number of reports display amended.
  • Section and Task now still editable after Preview.
  • Comments bug removed - now only displayed beneath commented report once Posted to Logbook.
  • PHP messages suppressed to avoid unnecessary warning on certain PHP configurations.
Files in v1r7 that are different from v1r5
Users who are already using the OSLogbook may wish to simply update the files that have been amended in v1r7, rather than re-install the entire application. The following is a list of the eight files that have changed since the previous release:
  • index.php
  • includes/generalFunctions.php
  • includes/iframeSrc.php
  • includes/login.php
  • includes/logout.php
  • includes/initVar.php
  • includes/uploads.php
  • docs/OSL_UserGuide.pdf

File Description
OSLogbook Windows Distribution, ZIP archive
OSLogbook Linux Distribution, Tar+Gzip archive