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by Thomas Bauer last modified 2009-09-02 13:59

Cascina - Apr. 21th - 24th

Monday (Apr. 21st):

 14:00 - 19:00    R&D Review        (G. Losurdo)          Auditorium

G. Losurdo           click here for programme.

Tuesday (Apr. 22th):

  8:30 - 13:00    R&D Review        (G. Losurdo)          Auditorium

G. Losurdo          click here for programme.

13:00 - 14:00   lunch

14:00 - 15:30     Plenary                  (Th. S. Bauer)         Auditorium

B. Mours                Collaboration News                                           15'
A. Vicere                Analysis News                                                 10'
E. Tournefier           Commissioning News                                         10'
G. Losurdo              AdV News                                                       10
M. Punturo              Detector News                                                10'
A. Krolak                 Presentation of a new Group                              15'
M. Barsuglia             Presentation of a new Group                              15'

15:30 - 16:00   coffee

16:00 - 19:00       Commissioning (E. Tournefier)   Auditorium

L. Rolland            News from VSR1 calibration                                  (15')
B. Swinkels         Summary of magnetic noise studies                       (15')
J. Marque            Brewster versus cryotrap                                       (15')
I. Fiori                 Environmental noise studies at low frequency          (15')
F. Bondu             Estimation of the frequency noise in the dark fringe induced by shotnoise,(15')
E. Calloni            Update on thermal effects and simulation                (15')
G. Vajente           Locking with TCS                                                 (15')
H. Heitmann        Alignment status and plans                                    (15')
F. Carbognani      E&S status and plans                                            (15')

parallel:    17:30 - 19:00   Data Transfer           (A. Viceré)           Council room

                A. Vicere               Introduction       

Wednesday (Apr. 23th):


  9:00- 11:00     Data Analysis          (A. Viceré)            Auditorium

G. Vedovato         Towards VSR1 analysis using cWB: status and plans                       (20')
L. Bosi                 Web tool and a library for veto and segment lists management         (20')
C.Palomba            On the possibility to target CW signals from the Vela pulsar             (20')
T.Bulik                 IC10 X-1: the immediate progenitor of a double black hole binary      (45')
A.Viceré               Hot issues for Virgo data analysis: discussion                                (15')

11:00 - 13:00     Electronics + SW      (F. Carbognani)     Auditorium

S. Cortese,        Online Servers Upgrade, (5' + 5')
N. Letendre,     Status on New Control and DAQ Electronics: Timing, TOLM
 D. Passuello,    Status on New DSP and Carrier board                                                  (10'+5')   
 D. Passuello,    New DSP Compiler                                                                                (15'+5')
 E. Pacaud,         New Control and DAQ Electronics basic support software libraries     (15'+5')
 G. Ballardin,      Status on "phase 1" SCS Software upgrades (EServerDSP porting to New DSP)     (15'+5')
 D. Sentenac,     New Global Control                                                                               (15'+5')
A. Masserot,     Integration plans +  Discussion          (10' + 10') 
13:00 - 14:00   lunch

14:00 - 18:00      Detector                   (M. Punturo)        Auditorium

start     duration     end
14.00     30         14:30     Virgo+ laser amplifier and PMC status (F. Cleva)
14:30     10         14:40     Discussion
14:40     10         14:50     Laser amplifier integration planning (E. Genin)
14:50       5         14:55     Discussion
14:55     15         15:10     IMC end mirror payload status and installation program (TBD)
15:10       5         15:15     Discussion
15:15     15         15:30     Laser lab electronics displacement (F. Carbognani)
15:30       5         15:35     Discussion
15:35     20         15:55     TCS report and next activities (A. Rocchi)
15:55       5         16:00     Discussion

16:00     10         16:10     Coffee break

16:10     15         16:25     BRDF measurements in the optics lab (B. Canuel)
16:25     10         16:35     Discussion
16:35     15         16:50     PD under vacuum activity report (V. Granata)
16:50       5         16:55     Discussion
16:55     15         17:10     Power stabilization upgrade proposal (F. Cleva)
17:10       5         17:15     Discussion
17:15     15         17:30     Status and planning Monolithic suspensions (TBD)
17:30     10         17:40     Discussion
17:40     20         18:00     Measurement and suppression of thermal effects:

                                        In situ monitoring of weak distortions and high power

                                        Faraday Isolator (E. Khazanov)

18:00 - 19:00    Rehearsals               (F. Ricci)               Auditorium

Thursday (Apr. 24th):


  9:00 - 13:00    VSC                        (B. Mours)         Councilroom

1) News
 - EGO Council
2) MOU with GEO
3) AdVirgo system managers; Appointment
4) Detection committee; Discussion
5) Decisions to be made for:
 - Commissioning, (Commissioning run of end of May)
 - Detector,
 - Data analysis,
 - Advanced Virgo,
 - Speakers bureau,
 - Editorial board,
 - Outreach.
  Please bring only items that require decisions.
6) AOB.


Group leaders only

1) Application of the POLGRAW group
2) Application of the APC group
3) AOB