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by Carlo Bradaschia last modified 2009-09-02 13:53

Cascina - July 15th - 17th

Tuesday (July 15th):

14:30 - 19:00     Commissioning      (E. Tournefier)           Auditorium

1- Introduction                                            (E. Tournefier) 5'+5'
2- Magnetic noise investigations                     (B. Swinkels) 10'+5'
3- Scattered light measurements and curing      (B. Canuel) 10'+5'
4- Environmental noise studies and plans          (I. Fiori) 20'+5'
5- New ISYS commissioning: status and plans   (E. Genin) 20'+5'
6- IMC local controls commissioning                 (E. Majorana, TBC) 10'+5'
7- Status of DarkF simulations                        (M. Pichot, TBC) 15'+5'
8- Locking trials with TCS and locking plans      (G. Vajente) 20'+5'
9- Alignement plans                                      (M. Mantovani) 15'+5'

Wednesday (July 16th):

9:00 - 13:00     Detector                  (P. Rapagnani)            Auditorium

1- Introduction                           (P. Rapagnani) 5'+5'
2- Monolithic Payload development (P. Puppo/H.Vocca) 15'+5'
3- NE Payload Recovery               (P. Puppo) 10'+5'
4- New NE Mirror                         (R. Flaminio TBC) 10'+5
5- IMC Installation                       (F. Mul) 10'+5'
6- TCS: shutdown works and plans for upgrades                             (A. Rocchi TBC) 10'+5'
7- Electronics upgrades for suspension control                                (A. Gennai) 10'+5'
8- New control electronics: installation status and plans                   (A. Masserot) 10'+5'
9- Infrastructure: works ongoing and planned for the shutdown          (P. Popolizio) 10'+5'

13:00 - 14:00        lunch

14:00 -  18:00    Advanced Virgo        (G. Losurdo)               Auditorium

  • G.Losurdo - Towards the AdV review (postponed to the plenary session)

  • L.Pinard - Mirrors

  • A.Freise - Optical configuration overview

  • S. Chelkowski: Advanced Virgo with higher order LG modes, implications for mirror radii of curvature

  • S.Hild/G.Losurdo/A.Freise - Optimization of the AdV sensitivity for the astrophysical sources

  • E.Calloni - Interferometer sensing and control overview

  • B.Canuel - Input Optics progress

  • V.Fafone/A.Rocchi - TCS update

  • A.Pasqualetti -  Vacuum overview

19:00 - 20:00    Biathlon Relay Run  (C. Bradaschia)           EGO Site


"Locking"   :                E. Campagna, P. Ruggi, B. Swinkels, G. Vajente
"Optics"   :                  B. Canuel, F. Cleva, E. Genin, R. Day
"FCD Old Boys"   :        C. Bradaschia, S. Braccini, E. Calloni, L. Di Fiore
"S-I & Co"   :               G. Di Biase, L. Paoli, F. Richard, R. Romboli
"Students"   :              Jeff, John, Helene, Casey
"Last chance Team":    R. Cavalieri, D. Huet, F. Garufi, L. Pinard

20:00 - 22:00    Biathlon Buffet          (S. Perus)                   Cafeteria - Main Building

Thursday (July 17th):


 8:30 - 11:00     Data Analysis           (G. Guidi)                    Auditorium

8.30       BURST status report (P. Hello) (10)
8.40      CBC status report (F. Marion) (10+5)
9.55      CW status report (C. Palomba) (15)
9.10      STOC status report (G. Cella) (10+5)
9.25      Discussion about External collaborations (10)
9.35      h(t) and related uncertainties (B. Mours) (15+10)
10.00    h(t) online transfer / online analysis (B. Mours) (10+10)
10.20    VDB/DQ status report (D. Verkindt) (10+5)
10.35    HF burst VSR1 status report (Trento) (10+5)
10.50    Burst search with EGC in S5/VSR1 (Arun) (10)

11:00 - 11:15     Coffee break

11:15 - 13:00     Plenary                   (C. Bradaschia)           Auditorium

F. Fidecaro  :        News 10'
C. Bradaschia  :     NE accident 10'
F. Richard  :          Safety working around viewports 10'
P. Rapagnani  :      Detector plans 10'
E. Tournefier  :      Commissioning plans 10'
H. Heitmann  :       Technical coordination 10'
G. Guidi  :             Data analysis plans 10'
G. Losurdo  :         Advanced Virgo progress 10'
All   :                   Discussion on plans for this fall and beyond  25'

13:00 - 14:00 lunch

14:00 - 17:00    VSC                        (F. Fidecaro)                Council Room

VSC Wide
  1. Communications
    • STAC and EGO Council
  2. EGO Commissioning fellowships
  3. Mission rules for French and Italian labs
  4. Issues from NE incident
    • - Commissioning and detector reports
    • - Discussion
  5. Discussions and decisions for:
    • - Commissioning
    • - Detector
    • - Data analysis
    • - Advanced Virgo
    • - Speakers bureau
    • - Editorial board
    • - Outreach
  6. Discussions
    • OPC coordinator
    • Electronics and Software coordinator
  7. Revised addendum to MoU between Virgo and GEO
  8. Proposal of MoU between Virgo and Institute of Applied Physics, Novgorod
  9. Preliminary discussion on "Access to LSC data before May 18" and "External Collaboration basics" documents
  10. AOB
Coffee break

VSC- Group leaders only
  1. Appointments
    • OPC coordinator
    • Electronics and Software Coordinator
  2. AOB