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by Thomas Bauer last modified 2009-09-02 13:44

Cascina - Nov 4th - 6th

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Tuesday (Nov 4th):

14:30 - 19:00     Commissioning      (E. Calloni)           Auditorium

E. Calloni               Introduction                              15'+5'
E. Genin                 Injection System                        25'+5
J. Marque               Simulations of thermal effects   25'+5'
I. Fiori                    Env. Noise measurements         25'+5'
A. Masserot            DAQ and Global Control           25'+5'
L. Rolland               Calibration                               20'+5
A. Gennai               New DSP                                   25'+5'
G. Vajente              Plans for the restart                  25'+5'

Wednesday (Nov 5th):

9:00 - 13:00     Detector                (P. Rapagnani)            Auditorium

P. Rapagnani     Introduction                                        10'+5'
A. Rocchi           Status of TCS upgrades                       20'+5'
A. Pasqualetti    Vacuum Rec. Works after NE Incident   10+5
P. Rapagnani     NE Payload Recovery                            10'+5'
F. Nocera          LL - EE Room Electronics Migration      10'+5
G. Hamming     Hardware Inventory (G.Hamming)         10'+5
R. Flaminio       Absorption meas. on old NE mirror       10'+5'
P. Rapagnani    Virgo+ upgrade with monol. susp.        15'+5'

13:00 - 14:00        lunch

14:00 -  18:00    Data Analysis        (G.M. Guidi)                Auditorium


14:00 - 14:20 On line VDQ for VSR2 - D Verdkindt

14:20 - 14:30 Noise group activities update - E Cuoco
14:30 - 14:50 Minimum sky sampling for unmodelled GW chirp detection - O Rabaste
14:50 - 15:10 Update on targeted search with heterodyne method - F Antonucci
15:10 - 15:30 GRB search (CBC) - A Dietz

15:30 - 15:50 Prospects for the GW-GRB analysis - A Corsi

15:50 - 16:10 Multimessenger searches. Contacts with ANTARES and TAROT: status and plans - E Chassande- Mottin


Thursday (Nov 6th):


9:15 - 12:30     Plenary                   (Th. S. Bauer)           Auditorium

 F. Fidecaro News 15 '
 M. Punturo
 North End Tower final report 15'
 G. Losurdo Report on the AdV Ext. Rev. Committee 15'
 E. Calloni Summary report of Commissioning group 15'
 P. Rapagnani Summary report of Detector group 15'
 P. Rapagnani Monolithic suspensions before AdVirgo ? 15'+15'
  Coffee break  11:00-11:15
 G. Guidi Summary report on Data Analysis 15'
 I. Racz Presentation of Hungarian group RMKI 15'
 G. Guidi External Collaborations Policy 15'
 F. Fidecaro Detection Process and Committee 15'
 Th S. Bauer LV meeting organization 15'

13:00 - 14:00 lunch

14:00 - 17:00    VSC                        (F. Fidecaro)                Council Room

 1. Communications
 2. Addendum to MoU between GEO and Virgo (Naples-Hannover agreement)
 3. Participation of Hungarian group RMKI to Virgo
 4. EGO group in Virgo: proposal to the EGO Council
 5. Monolithic fibers: decision on whether to have them before Advanced
 6. Detection process and detection committee
 7. External Collaborations
 8. Representative of Virgo in the ET Executive Board
 9. Coordinators' decisions:
     +  Commissioning
     +  Detector
     +  Data Analysis
     +  Advanced Virgo
     +  Outreach
10. Editorial board
11. Speakers' bureau
12. AOB