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by Thomas Bauer last modified 2009-09-16 11:30

Cascina - Jan. 28th - 30th

Monday (Jan. 28th):

14:30 - 19:00       Commissioning (E. Tournefier)   Auditorium

E. Tournefier         Introduction                                                     (  5' )
I. Fiori                   Environmental noise studies                             (15'+5')
E. Genin                Beam jitter noise reduction: status and plans     (15'+5')
J. Marque              Detection noises                                              (15'+5' )
D. Huet                 Ideas for actuators noise reduction                    (10'+5' )
G. Vajente            Locking recent activities and plans                    ( 15'+5')
H. Heitmann          Alignment status and plans                               (10')
M. Mantovani        Alignment noise eval. + config. change             (10'+5')
E. Majorana          Recent activities on susp. controls + plans        (10'+5')
 L.Rolland             VSR1 calibration                                              (15'+5')
F. Carbognani       Electronic and software: status and plans          (10'+5')
E. Tournefier         Planning until V+ shutdown                               (10'+5')

Tuesday (Jan. 29th):


  8:30 - 11:00    VSC                        (B. Mours)         New Councilroom

1) News
     EGO Council Virgo+ review
     Interaction with GEO for Advanced Virgo
     Update on the Astrowatch description
     Update on the discovery documents
     News from EGO (J. Colas)
2) Discussion on the detection committee
3) Discussion on the appointment of the co-chairs of the physics groups
    and their review committees
4) Discussion for the R&D program for Advanced Virgo
5) Decisions to be made for:
  - Commissioning,
  - Detector,
  - Data analysis,
  - Advanced Virgo,
  - Speakers bureau,
  - Editorial board,
  - Outreach.
6) Location of this year LV meetings hosted by Virgo
7) AOB.
Group leader only
1) Appointment of the commissioning coordinator
2) Procedure for the spokesperson selection
3) Interaction with GEO for advanced Virgo
4) AOB

11:00 - 13:00    Advanced Virgo        (G. Losurdo)          Auditorium

G. Losurdo                 AdV News                                                       (10 ' )
S. Hild                       AdV: Etalon effect versus wedges                     (25 ’ )
A. Freise:                  Using detuned arm cavities for Virgo upgrades?  (25 ’ )
E.Tournefier:              AdV output mode cleaner                                  (10 ’ )
F.Cavalier                  CALVA                                                            (10 ' )

13:00 - 14:00   lunch

14:00 - 15:30     Plenary                  (Th. S. Bauer)         Auditorium

B. Mours                Collaboration News                                             15'
J. Colas                  News from EGO                                                10'
A. Brillet                Editorial Board                                                    10'
A. Vicere                Data Analysis Summary                                     15'
E. Tournefier         Commissioning Summary                                    10'
M. Punturo             Detector Summary                                              10'
B. Mours               Preparation of the Spokesperson election;
                            discussion on the priorities for the Collaboration     40'

16:00 - 16:15   coffee


16:15 - 17:30     Data Analysis          (A. Viceré)            Auditorium

M-A.Bizouard         Progress with Data Quality Flags                                    5'
C.Palomba             Virgo data quality from the point of view of pulsar search  15'
S.D'Antonio           Online data-quality tool for lines frequency identification    20'
G.Vedovato           Application of bi-spectral techniques to Virgo Data           15'
G.Vedovato           Status of the coherent search for HF bursts on JW1 data  20'

 17:45 - 19:00   Data Transfer           (A. Viceré)           Auditorium

A.Viceré               Status of LIGO data transfer                      10'
C.Palomba             How the pulsar group uses GRID                 15'
D.Sentenac           Status of SRB transfers to CC                    15'

18:00 - 19:30     Locking                 (G. Vajente)            Seminarroom

G. Vajente               Locking review and status                                 (10' )
B. Swinkels             Noise subtraction performances and plans        (20' )
E. Campagna          Longitudinal error signal budget                        (20' )
G. Vajente              Plans for improvements (controls, Gc, etc.)
                                                  and discussion                 

Wednesday (Jan. 30th):


8:30 - 13:00      Detector                   (M. Punturo)        Auditorium

8.302008:50TCS: Status and installation plan (A.Rocchi)
09:001009:10Eddy currents mitigation (F.Travasso)
09:151509:30Cryo-Trap status (A.Pasqualetti)
09:401009:50Mirrors for Virgo+: status (R.Flaminio)
09:552010:15Infrastructure works status (P.Popolizio)

10:251010:35Coffee break

10:351510:50Laser integration installation plan (E.Genin)
11:001511:15Photodiode under vacuum  (V.Granata)
11:202011:40Planning Monolithic  suspensions (E.Majorana)
11:501012:00Jitter Specification (E.Calloni)
12:051512:20Effective mirror scalar model from darkf simulation (F.Bondu)
12:253012:55Simulation session (E.Calloni)

13:00 - 14:00   lunch

14:00 - 15:30     Electronics + SW      (F. Carbognani)     Council Room

1) Laser Lab Electronics Relocation proposal (few slides from Flavio)
2) Finalize discussion Electronics and DAQ + needed support onsite
                    (few slides from Alain and may be Alberto)
3) Presentation of the integration database (Daniel) + associated open
                    points to be discussed
4) Installation of  Real Time PC + needed support onsite (few slides from
5) Planning of the integration tests in the VTF  considering in detail
                all possible interfacing issues and needed hardware availability.

16:00 - 19:00    Rehearsals               (F. Ricci)               Auditorium