Summary of the meeting held in Cascina, 05.04.06 AdVirgo, Optical Configuration Working Group In the following I have tried to summarise the main items discussed and actions proposed during the meeting. Please let me know if I have forgotten something or if your summary differs from what I understood. I should be noted that no volunteers were found for the task list circulated earlier. Apparently no-one present is currently working on related tasks not mentioned in that list. Main items: o first of all a starting set of IFO parameters should be compiled and provided. This allows to compare the results from various people/groups investigating specific features of a new topology (this is underway, I will send around some data soon) o the design should start out with spherical beams and mirrors; the inclusion of other beam geometries (see below) can be based on a working spherical design o One of the main issues are the optical losses upon reflection on the main optical surfaces. The following tasks have been identified: - compute the expected losses due to 'scattering' from mirror distortions of large spatial wavelength - compute realistic values for losses of non-spherical geometries (including misalignment and contrast defects) - compute specifications for optical losses, especially for the signal recycling topologies or quantum-non- demolition techniques (e.g. using squeezed vacuum) o Non-spherical beams and the respective interferometer topologies require a considerable experimental R+D process which should be started immediately if this option should be kept. Some independent points raised during the meeting: o Spherical ring-type higher-order Gaussian modes could possibly be used to achieve a similar reduction of thermal noise as flat beams but without the problems related to the non-spherical mirror surfaces. (Under investigation by J.Y. Vinet) o The feasibility of squeezed vacuum injections could be tested using the low-frequency facility but requires collaboration with GEO. o The envisaged larger beam size in the central interferometer might require changes to the tubes connecting the central tank with the input and output optics. Currently the dimensions are: tube diameter 400mm (not taking into account the baffles), valve diameter 250mm o Wedges in the input test masses and the BS can be vertical, this would minimise the impact on the vacuum system. Realistic wedge angles should be computed and specifications for vertical seismic noise at the mirror level should be computed. Open points: o The status of SIESTA with respect to signal recycling simulations with realistic parameters (including higher order modes and mirror maps) o The status of the simulation of J. LeBars and J.M. Courty o The availability of DarkF to other people (a question of FORTRAN compilers)