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by Gabriele Vajente last modified 2008-06-09 15:55

Notes on lock acquisition and longitudinal control

L. Barsotti, M. Evans - Lock acquisition of Virgo: technical description VIR-047A-08 (2007)

L. Barsotti, M. Evans - Virgo automation: thermal transient and transition to low noise VIR-048A-08 (2007)

G.Vajente, E. Campagna, B. Swinkels - Locking characterization VIR-005A-08 (2008)

B. Swinkels, E. Campagna, G. Vajente, L. Barsotti, M. Evans - Longitudinal noise subtraction: the alpha-, beta- and gamma-technique VIR-050A-08 (2008)

Notes on related topics

F. Bondu - Second Stage of Frequency Stabilization Electronics VIR-055A-07 (2007)

G. Vajente - Measurement of control noise budget VIR-003A-08 (2008)