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by Gabriele Vajente last modified 2008-06-11 09:15

Paolo La Penna - Studio di cavità ottiche nell'esperimento Virgo e per misure di rumore termico (1998)

Ph.D. Thesis. Good description of resonant optical cavities.

Matteo Barsuglia - Stabilisation en fréquence du laser et contrôle des cavités optiques à miroirs suspendus pour le détecteur interférométrique d'ondes gravitationnelles VIRGO (1999)

Ph.D. Thesis. Description of frequency noise coupling in power recycled interferometers and of the frequency stabilization topology (a bit out of date, but useful for the general scheme)

Lisa Barsotti - Studio dell'acquisizione del controllo dell'interferometro centrale di Virgo (2003)

Tesi di laurea. Description of the lock acquisition techniques for the central interferometer.

Lisa Barsotti - The control of the Virgo interferometer for gravitational wave detection (2006)

Ph.D. Thesis. Description of the Variable Finesse locking technique and of the lock acquisition for the power-recycled Virgo interferometer.

Gabriele Vajente - Analysis of sensitivity and noise sources for the Virgo gravitational wave interferometer (2008)

Ph.D. Thesis. Description and characterization of the longitudinal control system performances during the first Virgo Science run. Discussion on the noise sources limiting the detector sensitivity during VSR1.

Francois Bondu - L'interféromètre Virgo: propriétés optiques, stabilisation en fréquence du laser (2008)

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