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15 items matching your criteria. RSS Feed
Short Minutes of the Sept 5th teleconf (did) [1%] by DidierVerkindt, 2013-09-06 15:26
[ยทยทยท] [1%] by DidierVerkindt, 2013-03-29 15:11
DMS v2 [1%] by DidierVerkindt, 2012-08-01 11:21
DMS for Advanced Virgo v4 [1%] by DidierVerkindt, 2012-07-31 15:25
DMS for Advanced Virgo (pdf) [1%] by DidierVerkindt, 2012-07-30 17:21
Agenda+Minutes [1%] by DidierVerkindt, 2012-07-30 17:19
2012-Jul-27 (agenda, minutes, documents) [1%] by DidierVerkindt, 2012-07-30 17:17
Agenda and minutes of the "DMS for Advanced Virgo" meeting held on July 27 2012 11:00am
Data Quality slides (ppt) [1%] by DidierVerkindt, 2011-05-02 18:41
VESF working web pages [1%] by DidierVerkindt, 2011-05-02 18:39
Web area for some materials from teachers and for students write access (DQ info is in dq_vesf.html)
Data Quality slides (pdf) [1%] by DidierVerkindt, 2011-05-02 18:07
WSR12 general monitoring plots [1%] by DidierVerkindt, 2009-03-09 18:09
general monitoring plots
WSR12 outlierMoni results [1%] by DidierVerkindt, 2009-03-09 18:08
outlierMoni results
ppt [1%] by DidierVerkindt, 2009-01-15 17:07
Proposal of online noise monitoring summary web page [1%] by DidierVerkindt, 2008-10-22 14:39
Online DQ scheme for VSR2 [1%] by DidierVerkindt, 2008-10-22 14:38