Technical session: May 24 9-12:15
start duration end
9.00 20 09:20 M.Punturo Resonant mode technique to measure the mirror temperature in Virgo
09:20 5 09:25 Discussion
09:25 15 09:40 M.Laval Thermal effects simulation in Virgo
09:40 5 09:45 Discussion
09:45 20 10:05 P. Willems  Thermal compensation experience in LIGO
10:05 10 10:15 Discussion
10:15 10 10:25 A.Rocchi Status of the thermal compensation in Virgo
10:25 5 10:30 Discussion
10:30 15 10:45 Coffee Break
10:45 20 11:05 J.Marque Modulation frequency, recycling lenght and input mirrors thermal lensing
11:05 5 11:10 Discussion
11:10 10 11:20 S.Bigotta Phase camera project restart
11:20 5 11:25 Discussion
11:25 15 11:40 D. Sentenac Status on Laser power tuning via rotator
11:40 5 11:45 Discussion
11:45 20 12:05 F. Carbognani Review of Software freeze for Long Science Run and Status on Hardware Inventory
12:05 5 12:10 Discussion